I have always been conscious of my body and I am afraid my unfit body will hinder my sexual experiences. Do you think certain exercises really lead to better sex?
You will hardly find anyone who is not conscious of his/her body and with sex, those insecurities get heightened. Having said that, you must also understand that great sexual experiences come to you when you let go of those insecurities and when you and your partner trust each other enough to break down all boundaries. Yes, there are certain exercises that will make your muscles flexible and will also improve your orgasms! Sex therapists recommend strength training and stretching for that.

There are certain exercises that will make your muscles flexible and will also improve your orgasms!
I occasionally engage in sex chat with random people on the internet. Do you think I should tell my girlfriend about it? Will this be called cheating?
Imagine yourself in your girlfriend’s shoes and you will easily get your answer. If you are in a monogamous relationship, even an emotional relationship with someone other than your partner can cause trouble. Moreover, it’s something your girlfriend should be aware of and if she expresses even the slightest discomfort, quit fooling around. Most people cheat because they don’t feel satisfied in their relationships. Ask yourself, what is it that you want from your partner, and if things don’t work out, it’s better to end.

Ask yourself, what is it that you want from your partner, and if things don’t work out, it’s better to end.
I met this guy over a weekend and we got sexually involved. The problem is that he didn’t have an orgasm, does it mean I am not good in bed?
Not necessarily. It could be because of multiple factors. Maybe the condom wasn’t very comfortable or he was stressed about something. It is also possible that he wasn’t in the mood but went along with your flow or maybe he was at first then changed his mind. There is also a chance that he didn’t like something you did. The thing about sex is you cannot be bad at it with the right person. Different things work for different people. Maybe your moves didn’t work for him. Just learn from your experiences and move on, if we start blaming ourselves for everything that happens there is a chance we will never be happy. Move on.

The thing about sex is you cannot be bad at it with the right person. Different things work for different people.
How can I ask a man if he has got himself tested for STDs without turning him off or worst case- freaking him out?
Asking this question right at the moment can be a temporary mood-kill for sure but you should hold back because of that. The right man will listen to you without getting defensive and will give you an honest answer. If a man freaks out by this question, he is not someone that deserves to be with you. If you think about it, this can be a real test of a kind.

The right man will listen to you without getting defensive and will give you an honest answer. If a man freaks out by this question, he is not someone that deserves to be with you.
I used to have an extra-marital affair and four months ago I found out that I was pregnant. Do you think my husband will figure out that the child is not his?
Of course, he will find out! This is not the stone age when things like this can be a mystery forever. If your husband decides to accompany you to the doctor, he will definitely figure out that the timelines don’t match. And how are you planning to change your baby’s face? One look at the newborn can tell him that he doesn’t resemble him. All this futile planning and tricking will not only eat up all your precious time, it will also harm mental health. The wisest thing to do right now is confess! Yes, things will get worse and your husband will not want to continue with the marriage but at least you will be able to shred that burden and continue with a new life. A life where you choose to be happy and honest.

The wisest thing to do right now is confess!