Sana Lantana – Babe of the month

Exotic beauty Sana Lantana’s striking blue eyes and blonde hair have drawn attention.


From: Russia

Vital Stats: 33-23-34

Instagram: @sanalantana

Twitter: @sanalantana


If you could commit one crime without being caught?

Probably sex in public places where you not suppose to have it (laughs).

The most scandalous thing you’ve ever done?

I’ve had some pretty funny wardrobe malfunctions on set in public, but the most scandalous things are saved for the bedroom.

One piece of clothing you can’t live without?

The classic little black dress.

Do you have a deep, dark secret?

I like for secrets to remain secrets but perhaps after a glass of wine I’ll tell you one.

What would your perfect murder weapon be and why?

I think the perfect murder weapon is the kiss of death! It’s sexy and will knock you out (laughs).

What is the most cringe-worthy thing you have seen someone post on social media?

I think I’ve seen more cringe-worthy things in my direct message inbox to be honest! Things I can’t even say here.

What’s your favourite euphemism?

For sure a “fast driving award” aka a speeding ticket!

Final thoughts in five words or less?

Live, laugh and be happy!



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