Sizzling In Her Own Skin – Meet Gemini Barbie

Flawless physique, unmatched boldness and inspiration of many who adore a fit and healthy lifestyle. Meet Our FHMfit Cover Star For This Month – Gemini Barbie

Team Credits:
Model: The Gemini Barbie @thegeminibarbie_
Photographer: Luis Gómez (Universe 137 studios)
MUA: @alexxalexxis

Sizzling in her own skin, nothing can stop Gemini Barbie, our Cover Star for the FHMfit February edition who fuses two nesses – hot-ness and fit-ness together. She can light anything on fire without even touching it. We were charmed during our conversation with her, and she spilled all her secrets of having such a physique. Want to know everything? Well, take a look at her thoughts!

Welcome Gemini! Looking over your social media pictures, we could discern that you take your fitness very seriously. How many times do you work out in a week and what’s your workout regime like?

I work out five days a week with my personal trainer at my gym in Las Vegas. I think its important to be pushed if you really want to grow. My workout regime includes legs exercises three times a week, shoulders once and back once. I also do cardio 5-7 times a week.





“I absolutely love watching the Olympians such as Jennifer Dorie and Ashley Kaltwasser. They are both so amazing and work so hard for their physiques.”



Fitness industry over the years has surged, is there anyone who has been an inspiration to you in your fitness journey so far?

Yes, I absolutely love watching the Olympians such as Jennifer Dorie and Ashley Kaltwasser. They are both so amazing and work so hard for their physiques.

What is it like being a digital creator and what made you want to pursue this career?

I love being a digital creator to inspire and help people. As, I want to be a good influence on everyone’s lives.

What makes you get out of bed in the morning? What excites you the most?

What gets me out of the bed in the morning is setting goals in life from small ones to big ones. I believe you need to set small goals first in everything – personally, professionally and financially. In order to achieve big goals, you need to hit the small ones first. And, what excites me the most is improving my physique, traveling and working on my business.




“I think it’s important to be pushed if you really want to grow.”




We have always believed that being fit requires a healthy diet. Do you follow any particular diet and what is your all-time favourite healthy meal?

I believe diet is the number one key. It is one of the hardest things for me, through which I tend to make my favourite meals healthy. I love ice cream or well anything sweet. I bring the ninja creamy and make protein ice cream, it is beyond amazing. I do a macro approach to everything where I make sure I hit my proteins, carbs and fats daily.

What are the top five fitness tips, you’d like to give to all the beautiful women out there?

The top 5 tips I would give to all the beautiful women out there:

  • If you want to gain muscles, lose weight, or change your physique in anyway you actually need to eat food. People are surprised by how much they should actually eat. Not eating slows down metabolism.
  • Being consistent in the gym is important too, if you actually want to see changes.
  • If you can afford a trainer even an online trainer, it’s very beneficial and I swear by it.
  • Diet is number one key, if you don’t have a good diet then you won’t do well.
  • Just be active in life no matter what you do. It helps with your body burning calories at rest.

How do you manage to stay glamourous and have a successful career at the same time?

I try to stay glamourous and have a successful career at the same time by working hard and hitting goals. Life is always about balance.





“No one is perfect, life gets stressful and the more things you go through in life, the more stressed you get.”



Name one body part you absolutely adore in your body and why?

I love my abs. Abs really are made in the kitchen. When I’m lean enough, I have shredded abs, flat tummies are nice, but I think having abs are sexy.

Is there something special brewing that you’d like to share with us? Any special upcoming projects you’d like to share details about?

I have multiple projects coming up from creating my own healthy recipe book where things actually have an appropriate amount of protein in the recipes. Soon, I’ll be accepting online training clients. I have already some guys working with me to lose weight. Also, I love my daddy’s Caddies business where I have female caddies for golfers.

What advice would you like to give to people who aspire to be like you?

My one advice to all the readers would be to work hard and set goals. No one is perfect, life gets stressful and the more things you go through in life, the more stressed you get. However, at the end of the day everything is worth the stress. It’s way better to have multiple incomes and set up your future, but make sure you have fun while doing it, as you only live once.



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