Exclusive Interview With Tiffany Champagne – Being Hot While Making Moves

From Having A Bodacious Bombshell’s Confidence To Being Contagious And Inspirational. Being A Chameleon Is All She Believes In!

Meet our FHM Cover Star for the May Issue, Tiffany Champagne who has a personality as bright as her outfits, and never fails to dazzle in front of the camera. She’s not just a model, she’s a movement—and we’re here for it! With heavenly curves and a smile that could light up any room, we can’t help but be enchanted by the way she owns every inch of her flawless figure. She’s not just easy on the eyes, as she also has an impossibly charming personality to fall head-over-heels. The queen of the hourglass figure is a breath of fresh air in the modelling industry. You’ll love to hear what she has to say, so don’t miss it!

Team Credits:
Model: Tiffany Champagne @tiffany_champagne
Photographer: Barry Druxman @barrydruxman
Makeup Artist: Victoria Rubell @victoriarubell
PR company: Say Media @say__media

Tiffany Champagne




“As the saying goes: Lights, Fantasy, and Action; I believe it really depicts my life.”



A warm welcome to you Tiffany, for those who are getting to know you, please introduce yourself.

I am working as a model and an actress. I love the fantasy involved, especially in making it a Virtual Reality. As the saying goes: Lights, Fantasy, and Action; I believe it really depicts my life. I know all about role play, in the long run, that’s why it was easy for me to streamline into becoming a model. While I am a New York City transplant, I love Hollywood Glamour. Not yet finished, I am an exhibitionist who enjoys making love to the camera, as I tend to live in the moment. In acting, I attempt to feel the character to play with my senses.

How has your career moved up in the industry?

I am a published professional model and card-carrying actress. You will find me to be a chameleon, who is comfortable in any setting. I transitioned into many looks while modelling different genres of style. Currently, I am California-based, but I am travelling worldwide; and a perfectionist who believes in being the very best. I love travelling to different places, exploring different cultures, and meeting exciting people. That is why my name is Tiffany Champagne.

Being an elite private lingerie model with a zest for life, I celebrate every chance I get, and what a time I’ve been having is inexpressible. I love to explore someone’s innermost thoughts and secrets. Looking forward to celebrating every special moment when needed, except specific anniversaries and birthdays, is something who I have been.

At last, I just feel very grateful and believe that I am privileged enough to pose for some of the most famous photographers globally.

Tiffany Champagne




“I seek a gentleman who gives ladies first-class treatment on a date.”



What do you believe has been the key to your success?

I was fortunate to grow up in New York City and hang out with beautiful models at such an early age. It prompted me to discover a fascinating and creative world. I fell in love with activities associated with art and creativity. New York City is such a cultural centre. We went out to find the nightspots, and my girlfriends also went to the Metropolitan Museum. I became enamoured with the works of Andy Warhol, Picasso, Henri de Toulouse-Lautre, and Henri Matisse.

My success is my ability to be a chameleon in order to adapt and change my role in a way. I love to explore my senses, feel sizzling champagne bubbles on my tongue, run my hand on delicate silk, and even wear it. Of course, I adore the beauty of fine furniture. While being signed with some of the celebrities, as I really enjoy mingling with everyone.

If you could describe yourself in three words, what would they be?

Creative, Sexy, Exhibitionist.

What difficulties does a model have to go through daily? How did you overcome them?

A model needs to have discipline within oneself. As this profession is all about being able to show up on time for work and auditions, staying up late and one needs to give up many things. Getting enough rest is crucial to look suitable for the shoot the next day. So, I had to adjust my schedule and realized if I wanted to succeed, for which I had to make some adjustments.

Tiffany Champagne




“I have a knack for role play due to my zeal for acting. To sum it up, I am a perfectionist and strive to do my best.”



What does a day in Tiffany’s life look like? Is it hectic? Do you enjoy what you do?

Yes, I absolutely enjoy being a model. I do get up early to the gym, answer my call-back requests, and revert to e-mails from people who adore me. While it becomes hectic sometimes when I am attending movie premiers and being on the red carpet is just so exciting.

If you had not been a model, what would you have become?

Due to my artistic flair, I am addicted to fashion and adore fashion designing. So, I would have been a fashion designer, as I style myself and love styling my friends whenever they need help.

Emphasizing colours and style, while catering to a particular person leads to a chic look, which is especially gratifying.

We’d like to get to know you a little deeper. Please share a little about what you’re most passionate about.

I love art and enjoy learning about the lives of famous artists and have a passion for travelling to museums around the country. When my favourite pals share their most profound and secret fantasies, I love to help them live those to the fullest. Having studied acting, I am a chameleon and comfortable with whatever the life situation entails. My friends are comfortable telling me their naughty fantasies and darkest secrets.

Tiffany Champagne



“Due to my artistic flair, I am addicted to fashion and adore fashion designing, so, I would definitely have been a fashion designer.”




How do you spend your free time when you’re not modelling?

I love fine dining and being taken shopping, especially in Beverly Hills. In New York City, I love going to Broadway plays. And of course, my favourite pastime travelling and discovering different cultures.

What is the single most important ideal you always strive to live your life by?

I love pleasing others. Whether a project or a personal endeavour, I strive to do my best. I like to give my all projects more than the effort required. Let’s just say that I have a knack for role play due to my zeal for acting. To sum it up, I am a perfectionist and strive to do my best.

Suppose someone wants to take you out on a date. What are the requirements they have to fill in?

I like powerful men, but the kind that treats me genuinely nicely. I thoroughly enjoy the company and get so impressed when an intelligent man accomplishes something in his life. Someone with whom I could talk on any level about life, what fascinates me, and other people’s success stories. I seek a gentleman who gives ladies first-class treatment on a date. Again, I am looking for genuinely nice people. An ideal date would be to enjoy fine dining in a nice place in Beverly Hills. I also love it when men take me shopping in designer boutiques or fly to romantic locations like Paris. Exciting vacations to exotic places are also very romantic and exciting.

Tiffany Champagne



“Being an elite private lingerie model with a zest for life, I celebrate every chance I get, and what a time I’ve been having is inexpressible.”




Time to spill some secrets! Tell us about your upcoming projects and more.

Of course, I am very eager about a few exciting projects this year. I have new photoshoots and travel plans to exciting locations. But I promised not to spill too many secrets (wink) as there wouldn’t be a surprise anymore. So, I want my fans, worldwide, to enjoy the surprise. This is part of being a perfectionist who believes in being the very best; and answers all the questions why my name is Tiffany Champagne.




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