Web Is An Integration of All The People And Their Ideology On A Single Platform Known As Internet. Well, That’s Not At All Safe!
With a great deal of features tags plenty of responsibilities – when you are making use of technology, you should be aware of what you are getting yourself into. As you all must be introduced to the realm of cyberspace – you should also be mindful of the wrongdoings of this space. Nobody is safe on the internet. Even if you think my security can never be breached; you’re wrong. When a top-notch businessman like Jeff Bezos can be hacked without him even knowing about it – so can you. We can’t be sure-shot secure but we can take some secure gadgets alongside which endures safety and makes breaching your security a little bit harder!

Microphone Blockers will automatically disable all the radio wavelengths that are enabling your microphone.
Just like that, what you say can be heard on the other side. You might not know this but tech moguls Google and Facebook have already been accused of breaching our privacy through microphones. They did say that it was purely for adding advertisement value but who knows what they did with it?
Microphone blockers are widely available on the various marketplaces which ensure that your microphone is not being accessed. It will automatically disable all the radio wavelengths that are enabling your microphone. The only limitation with this product as of now is that it needs a 3.5mm audio input.

Your web camera can be hacked pretty easily by hackers. For this to not happen, you can apply webcam covers which are also widely available on various marketplaces or offline stores.
Many people have already been a part of this scam – some have even paid ransom. Your webcam can be helpful while attending video calls whereas it can be more dangerous than ever if someone is watching you without your permission. As scary as it sounds, your web camera can be hacked pretty easily by hackers. They can breach your privacy – leaving you helpless. For this to not happen, you can apply webcam covers which are also widely available on various marketplaces or offline stores.

Padlock hard drives are supposedly the most secure options for storing your data.
All the smart devices available in the market are pre-equipped with some operating systems – two widely available operating systems are Google’s Android and Apple’s IOS. While IOS is considered to be more secure, it does not create much difference practically because after all, they both are software and software is vulnerable.
Going with specific dedicated Safe on Web How To Be hardware for security makes much more sense. Padlock hard drives are supposedly the most secure options for storing your data. They are fast, secure, and look too cool to be your average hard disks. They also have anti-tamper and self-destructive mode in case of an evident breach which provides top-notch security.