Hotness Is Looking For Places To Hide Because It Is Scared of Our Cover Star For This Month – Dez Fraser, Want To See How It Is? Here Is The Answer!
Team Credits:
Photographer- Luis Gómez (Universe 137 studios) & The Level Agency,
Model & MUA- Dez Fraser @msdezfraser
Locations- Hilton Puerto Vallarta, Los Veranos Canopi, Puerto Vallarta Mexico
The month of August has dawned upon us and for the hunt in this month – we have begun our voyage to find the word “sexy”. Not very long through the way, we have already found a name which defines this word clearly and nothing can be better – Dez Fraser – Our cover for the FHM August edition and a queenie which can make your jaw drop in less than a second. A model whose curves can light a paper on fire without even touching it – Dez is a popular social media personality and is free-hearted in every sense possible. Want to know more about this baddie? Well, take a look at some of her thoughts!
Were you excited to shoot for FHM?
Yes, this will be my second time, and it’s always fun!
Tell us something surprising about you.
I love river & deep-sea fishing.
Describe yourself in one sentence.
Free-spirited & big-hearted gal.

I love river & deep-sea fishing.
What are some of your hobbies?
Travelling & hiking new places, trying new restaurants to fulfil my inner foodie.
What Is your biggest turn-on?
Chivalry, and honesty.
What turns you off the most?
Flaky people, and bad hygiene.

Going to a Broadway show and a nice seafood / steakhouse sounds a perfect date to me.
Describe to us your perfect date.
Going to a Broadway show and a nice seafood/steakhouse.
What would you consider to be your biggest challenge as a model so far?
Finding clothes that fit me! Huge challenge!
Any last words you would like to share with the readers?
I just hope that the modelling industry keeps changing, and accepting curvier & tattooed women. Thank you to all my fans for your support!