Hair Care is Important but Using Hair Products is Not, Bloom Your Hair Naturally This Month for The Long-Term Benefits!
As the world-renowned American Magician David Copperfield said “The most important thing is the presentation”, presentation is all you need to make an everlasting impact on somebody. Being presentable not only includes your gesture but how you keep yourself. It’s not just one thing, but a mixture of small little things that brings you closer and closer to being ‘presentable’. One thing that’s definitely on top of the priority list is your hair. How you keep your hair depends on how much you care about them. Today, we are going to tell you how to care for your hair so that it can be there when you actually need them!
Haircare should be one of the most important things on your checklist. Flexing those muscles won’t help much when your hair is not strong enough. If you are someone who doesn’t like chemicals flowing on your follicles, then all-natural is the way you’ve got to go.

How you keep your hair depends on how much you care about them.
The Natural Shampoo
How many of you boys here use shampoo regularly? Well, whichever brand may you use, one thing is for sure, nothing is all-natural there. It is a by-product of heavy chemicals and intense processing that make its way up to your scalp. Sticking to our all-natural spirit, we will make our shampoo. You have to take Gooseberries or Amla which is an excellent antioxidant and also helps the men who are suffering from early balding. Soapnut or Reetha will be the next ingredient which will act as the main hair cleansing agent.
Acacia Concinna or Shikakai will be the last and the main ingredient as it naturally lowers the pH levels on your scalp and removes the excess oil that is blocking the hair follicles. It also acts as a natural conditioner.
Soak all the ingredients in the water overnight. The first thing in the morning, boil the mixture for 5-10 minutes. Rinse the final boiled mixture and use this natural shampoo to make your hair strong again.

It will retain the natural strength of your hair.
The Natural Conditioner
Not only one of the most nutritious fruits out there, but this little green buddy of yours can also be your hair’s best friend if used properly. This mixture can be very beneficial for people who have rough and damaged hair. It can also ignite hair growth if you are suffering from hair thinning. Mayonnaise, on the other hand, has the goodness of vinegar and eggs mixed together which not only nourishes your scalp but brings back the lost shine and lustre that your hair deserves. Remember to apply this mixture to the tips of your hair. Mix 1 cup of mayonnaise with ½ of a medium-sized mashed avocado and apply the natural exfoliating hair mask for around 20 minutes for best results. You can use this mixture as your natural conditioner as it will retain the natural strength of your hair.

You can also use fenugreek seeds for hair fall and aloe vera gel with yoghurt for thicker hair volume.
The Natural Hair Mask
This is the perfect natural recipe for those of you who are battling dandruff and rough hair. Dandruff is one of the main reasons for hair loss and no matter how many chemicals you may try, none of them will be effective. A long[1]term process needs patience and less recurring use of chemicals. Anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties present in the yoghurt make it a perfect fit for the top of your head. The lactic acid present in it makes dandruff go away and hydrates your hair follicles. Lime also works on removing dandruff and due to high amounts of Vitamin-C, it can provide many essential nutrients to the scalp.
Apply this mixture for 20-25 minutes on your scalp after a thorough massage, effective results can be seen immediately. You can also use fenugreek seeds for hair fall and aloe vera gel with yoghurt for thicker hair volume.

Oils make sure that the after product of applying any chemicals is soothing and not damaging the integrity of your hair.
The Natural Hair Oil
Not only hair masks, but oils are one of the most important ailments for your hair. Oils make sure that the after product of applying any chemicals is soothing and not damaging the integrity of your hair. Jojoba is a shrub which possesses some amazing qualities. Not only is it anti-fungal but it also is rich in vitamin E, B, C, and Zinc. These nutrients make sure that hair is not going anywhere but growing long and long. To make this homemade oil you need some garlic cloves. Convert the cloves into a mixture and add some olive oil to them. Olive oil will act as an amazing non-sticky lubricant and moisturizer. Simultaneously add some anti-oxidating coconut oil and finally the jojoba oil. Mix these ingredients and put them on for at least 20 minutes for the best results