When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each day along the way.
– Wayne Dyer
If your feet automatically start thumping on the floor whenever you hear a catchy beat, then my friend, you have the hidden dance talent and we wish all the dancers a Happy International Dance Day. 29th April is the day when a dancer is born and to celebrate the birth of each and every dancer who has always given their sweat and blood to this art form and also to those who are aspiring to leave a mark on the world with their alluring movements.
The significance of International Dance Day is to appreciate and celebrate the art form that is performed around the globe by bringing together the entire dance community as a family, who supports each other. This day was created by the Dance Committee of the International Theatre Institute (ITI), which is a partner with the performing arts of UNESCO. Also, known as World Dance Day, April 29, which happens to be the birth anniversary of Jean-Georges Noverre, is celebrated every year in his memory. For the unaware, Jean-Georges Noverre was the creator of modern ballet. International Dance Day aims to encourage education and participation in dance through various dance festivals and events that take place around the world.

Jean-Georges Noverre, the creator of modern ballet.
With the world now accepting different art forms as career options, dance is one of the most participated dance forms across the globe. With the introduction and evolution of new forms of dance, many artists all over the world are still unknown to the world. For these artists, the work and their form of work is food for the soul and with all their hearts they worship it. From having to struggle with not just the mental stress that comes with the brainstorming to prepare an act, a dancer also struggles with the physical tension that any dance form may cause. But what kind of love would it be that doesn’t hurt, right?

Many artists all over the world are still unknown to the world.
With new dance forms evolving, many instances prove how this particular art is so welcoming. The immense admiration that the Indian classical dance receives from different parts of the world, and the newly recognised African dancehall, has got people around the world hooked on the flowy moves, there would be no single person in the world who doesn’t enjoy dancing, or at least watching those moves.

Many institutes and dance groups organise free workshops and classes on world dance day.
The rich culture of dance and the community that embraces aspiring dancers of the near future has opened numerous opportunities for such people by organising dance events, parties, workshops and free flash mobs, which is an act of dancing on the street and whoever wishes to join the clan is free to show what they got with their moves. On the occasion of International Dance Day, there are not just one but many dance institutes, crews, studios, groups and communities that provide a chance of learning and showcase your talent to the audience. Not just that, free workshops are also organised for the aspiring dancers so if you are one, go opt for one now.