Healthy Pets Are Happy Pets

Pets Don’t Ask For Much To Be Happy. All They Need Is Warmth, Love, and Good Food In Return For Their Unconditional Love and Loyalty. Here Are Some Valuable Nutrition Tips To Ensure The Well-Being Of Your Fur Babies.

Having a pet is as good as having a soulmate. There are so many intriguing ways humans and animals can interact as both lives are weaved together. Talking specifically about dogs, they have long been regarded as among humankind’s best and closest friends. However, dogs are not the only furballs which are preferred by people when they hear the word – pets. Humans and animals have co-existed in this world for longer than one can make speculation.

There have been innumerable incidences when pets have proved to be more than just a pet. From being a friend in need to a life-saver, pets are no less than precious members of the family. Being a pa(w)rent is not just an overwhelming emotion but moreover, it is a lifetime commitment to responsibility. So, it is important to go above and beyond to keep their animal companions happy and healthy. Much like human lives, pet lives are valued. To ensure the health of one’s pet, proper pet nutrition should not be taken lightly, and all essential steps should be taken.

All life stages of the pet will benefit from a balanced food that satisfies those needs for good health and well-being. It may take you some time to learn what your pet likes and dislikes, even though some creatures do express their opinions about the items and food you place in their bowls. To ensure their well-being, this may entail regular health examinations, everyday activities, and much more. Giving your pet a balanced meal that has all of the necessary nutrients and the right amount of calories is imperative.

A healthy diet with all the essential nutrients will help in multiple ways for the well-being of your pet. Unsure about what is right and what is not for your fur baby? Here are 5 ways you can keep the health and well-being of your pet in check.



Every nutrient in your pet’s food has a specific role to play. Inadequacy in the nutrition of your pet will lead to decreased muscle tone. A healthy diet will help to build and repair the muscles, bones as well as teeth of your pet. This will also help to prevent infections. In addition to serving as an energy source, proteins support the growth and function of muscles. Fats give them energy, to support cognitive function, and maintain healthy, lustrous skin and hair. Your dog can be active and energised thanks to the immediate energy that carbohydrates provide. Vitamins and minerals are important for healthy neuron and muscle function as well as muscle contraction.



Despite the rise in popularity of raw food diets for cats and dogs in recent years, many veterinarians advise against it. There is no proof that feeding your pet a raw diet offers advantages that outweigh the risk. Even commercially available raw pet food has been found to contain listeria and salmonella viruses, which can make you, your pets, and your family ill. Moreover, raw diets are not likely to give your pet the complete and balanced nutrition they require, which could lead to additional present-day and long- term health issues. If you own a rabbit as a pet, raw and hard foods like carrots and cauliflower are recommended for the growth of their teeth.



We humans might believe in the concept of variety, but the same doesn’t apply to your pets. A frequent change in their food could inadvertently put a risk to their health. This could also result in diarrhoea and vomiting due to upsetting in the GI tract of your pet. If you want to introduce your pet to a new ingredient, make sure you start off by incorporating the ingredient slowly into their usual diet while observing any health changes. You know you are off to go if there are no alarming signs of intolerance or allergies.



If you think you are the only pet parent failing to create a regular mealtime schedule, you’re not alone. However, this is one of the biggest mistakes many pet owners make. If your pet grazes throughout the day, they may overeat which could result in obesity. As stomach inactivity aggravates bile reflux, allowing bile to enter the stomach, pets that are only fed once a day may develop bilious vomiting syndrome. A twice-per-day feeding schedule is ideal in most situations, though some pets may benefit from smaller portions spread across more feedings. If you are unsure what schedule is best for your pet, talk to your vet.



Okay, those cute pleading eyes are hard to resist, but it is always advisable to refuse when your pet is begging for that family dinner taste. It is possible that every day when you feed your pet with some table leftovers, they are consuming more than what their body actually requires. This might also result in weight gain. Not only this, there are many human foods that can result in irritation in the stomach or even allergies. Feeding them healthy foods like carrots or beans is always a good idea. So, if you own a cat, a dog, or any animal as a pet, avoid fulfilling their requests for foods that are consumed by humans. Similarly, while bones seem normal to any dog owner, they can cause severe health damage to your furball. It is advisable to say no to bones even if those puppy eyes try their best to convince you.




Hina Khan

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