Save Your Pets From the Cold

The winter is as harsh for animals as it is for humans. So, if you happen to have any pets, here is how to protect them from the cold.

When temperatures drop and the winter chill begins to permeate the air, it is time to adjust your pet’s daily routine to keep your pets happy, safe and comfortable during the winter. Caring for pets during winters is a multi-pronged effort that requires you to carefully and thoughtfully look after your pets and their needs. For certain small pets like rabbits, birds, or other animals that reside in cages, the winter weather can become a problem, especially if they stay out for long periods of time while the owners are not home. So, let’s not waste any more precious time and check out how to keep our pets safe during the cold winter months.

Treat Your Pet With Care



Ensure you’re treating your pet with the utmost care



If the weather gets too cold for them to tolerate, even otherwise healthy animals like rabbits or guinea pigs can start to become stressed and as a result, suffer from GI stasis. And if your pet is suffering from it, it is imperative to have their critical care feeding formula on hand. Many pets are not made to live in the conditions we live in and so might need specialised environmental conditions to live in. Most of them are also very intolerant to change. So, make sure that your pet is healthy before the cold weather arrives. Keep up the routine wellness exams to prevent the worsening of hidden diseases since pets are just as liable to catch an illness as humans – maybe even more liable in some cases as they happen to be much more sensitive to heat than we are.

Increase Intervals Between Baths



Increase the interval between baths



You might be able to make best friends with your moisturizer during winter, but your pet can not do the same. Bathing dries out your pet’s skin just the same way as it does yours. Although it is not a serious problem, dry skin can cause a lot of discomfort to your pets. That being said, it is not advisable to cut out baths entirely during the winter months since some animals might have allergies and require regular baths and also for the more obvious reason of their coats starting to smell. So, the solution here is to increase the interval between baths and talk to your vet to get ahold of a dog shampoo with moisturizing properties.

Keep Heat Accessible For Small Pets



Ensure heat sources are accessible to your pets



If you have small animals as pets like birds, reptiles, etc. it is imperative that you have a backup heat source available. Although, you should check with your veterinarian first regarding what sort of heat sources are safe for your pet because some animals – like birds – are sensitive to air contaminants. It is advised that you have battery-powered heating options in case power goes out suddenly. Also, place a layer of fabric between your pet and the heat source for safety. You can also use a hot water bottle or a warmed-up potato in a travel cage if you’re taking your pets somewhere or just for their regular You also need to block off the heat sources in your house like wood-burning stoves or radiators. Your pet might mistake them as warmth sources and try to jump up on them without knowing that they pose burn risks for them. So, make sure that you make these places inaccessible to your pets during the cold months.

Take Care Not To Overheat Your Pets



Don’t overheat your pets



Supplemental heat is important, but there is also such a thing as overheating our animals which is just as dangerous for them. Make sure your pets can get away from the supplemental heat source if they feel too hot. Some small pets, like Chinchillas for example, happen to be more cold-tolerant which means they are prone to overheating. Another thing that can pose a problem for pets is humidity. Exotic small pets may suffer from low ambient humidity so take care of that too. Most reptile species actually need higher humidity levels than the average room can provide which can make them severely ill when spending long time periods in low humidity.

Take Good Care Of Your Dog’s Paws



Protect your dog’s paws



If you have a dog, this tip is for you. Your dog’s legs, tail, and ears are the most susceptible to frostbite. There is truly not much you can do for the tail and the ears except make sure to go on short walks only and walk during the daylight hours. For the paws, make use of dog boots as they will provide the much-needed warmth to your dog’s paws. Dog booties will protect your dog from harmful chemicals that can get on their paws while out walking. If your dog refuses to wear booties, you can just wipe their paws after walks and if you notice your dog stepping into salt, then make sure to rinse the area as soon as possible.



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