Much like your set of wheels, your choice of pet pooch talks volumes about your personality. Don’t be seen with the wrong canine and be termed as a wuss. This is our list of top 7 low maintenance, friendly, loyal breeds that you would just love to get attention from!
The breed originated in Germany and, well, that pretty much sums it up. Doberman makes for very alert and obedient companions. Their presence is, we admit, a bit intimidating. They make for wonderful house pets as easily as they can be raised to be guard dogs. But ensure there is enough running around time for this one as they are born to sprint.
Our favourite on the list, labs (golden or black) are cuddliest pooches on this list. They are bratty and naughty through their growing up years but can get away with anything with their teddy bear looks. They are protective of the family members and of the children. There’s a reason why they’re the first choice for guide dogs for the disabled.

They are protective of the family members and of the children.
They have been immortalised by Tom & Jerry cartoons but are nothing like their onscreen avatar. They look passive and are passive. Their charm lies in their ugliness. They tend to get overweight and that gets in the way of their moving around. But that’s okay. They are ideal for working homes and are sorted to be home alone for hours. Don’t forget to give them their squeaky toy!
4. PUG
This one needs a drumroll! Relatively unknown till Vodafone campaign happened, Pugs are the perfect little breed, which is relatively zilch on maintenance. They also shed next to nothing, have a diet that is negligible and need zero exercise. What else can one ask for? Oh yes! They are extremely loyal and love the company of people.
They make for perfect companions. Did we mention that they are complete chic magnets? They come in black or liver-brown spots and are easily recognizable from a distance. However, behold! They, much like any large breed, need exercise and plenty of open expanses to horse around. Get then that and you own them for life.

They make for perfect companions. Did we mention that they are complete chic magnets? They come in black or liver-brown spots and are easily recognizable from a distance.
Belonging to the Hound family of dogs, Beagles were originally used in The UK in duck hunts to catch and retrieve. But they make for excellent home dogs; with their short fur, friendly and docile temperament and doe-eyes. However, don’t be put off-guard by their adorable looks. Beagles require substantial amounts of exercise to keep them lean. They have a high tendency to put on weight.
Thanks to the media and the horror stories that have been floating around, Rottweilers are seen as one they-will-bite-your-head-off kinda breed. But with proper raising, they can be extremely affectionate and stable around children. They look regal and have a glint of a shine in their coats. Beautiful and loyal… perfect!

Rottweilers are seen as one they-will-bite-your-head-off kinda breed. But with proper raising, they can be extremely affectionate and stable around children.
Have you ever wondered why dogs really are the men’s Best-Friend? Check out the reasons mentioned below:
Dogs are the only critters in the animal kingdom that can read emotion in humans. Science types at the University of Lincoln found that after 15,000 years of domestication, dogs have developed the ability to tell if we’re happy, sad or angry just by looking at our ugly mugs.
Your dog could save your life, and not just by pulling you out of a burning building or by alerting someone that you’re stuck down a well. French researchers found some breeds can be trained to detect prostate cancer, just by sniffing your piss.
Contagious yawning – when you yawn because the person you’re with just has – is a subconscious way of displaying empathy for our fellow man, and the more empathy you feel for others, the more likely you are to yawn when someone else does. But dogs do this too, according to researchers at the University of Tokyo, showing that they are genuinely “emotionally connected” to people.
Dogs can understand upto 250 words and signals, which linguistically makes them about as smart as a two-year-old human. This means they’re able to fetch an item like a ball just by hearing the word for it. The smartest poochies are Border Collies, Poodles, German Shepherds and Golden Retrievers. The dumbest? Shaggy old Afghan Hounds.

Dogs are the only critters in the animal kingdom that can read emotions in humans.