Your way to healthy hair is here!

Tired or hair falling here and there and cannot find an escape from it? Try these home remedies to tackle this problem. 

Imagine you are at a party, surrounded by friends and colleagues. You swing your hand through your hair as a styling measure and alas! You find broken hair strands in your hand. This could be quite disheartening. Hair fall is a very common problem faced by many men. If you find your hair falling here and there or every time you comb, you may be suffering from it. This is why hair care is important. 

Some interesting remedies that can be performed at home can be very helpful to control this hair fall situation. Here we bring you 6 such home remedies. If you have a receding hairline or you are scared of going bald, try them and see the change!

1. Get in for an Oil Massage 

One of the most common methods of making your hair strength strong is by massaging your hair regularly with oil. Doing so replenishes the nutrition for your hair and reverses the effects of hair damage. It not only makes your hair strong but also enhances hair growth. Massaging oil on your scalp can even help you to cure dandruff. Oils like olive oil, coconut oil and even almond oil can be an ideal choice. Have a relaxing oil massage around once or twice a week and you are good to go. 

oil massage

Massaging oil on your scalp can even help you to cure dandruff. Oils like olive oil, coconut oil and even almond oil can be an ideal choice.

2. Ever heard of Aloe Vera?

The green tentacles like plants with gel sort of thingy inside are called Aloe Vera. Using this magical remedy not only strengthens your hair but also adds lustrous shine to them. Aloe Vera is known to provide various health benefits. Believe it or not, some prefer to apply it on their skin to cure acne and have a beautiful glowing face. For using Aloe Vera for your hair, all you need to do is massage the gel part on your scalp, let it dry and wash away. It also repairs dry hair and gets rid of any scalp infection. Massage twice a week for fast and better results. 

aloe vera

Aloe Vera is known to provide various health benefits. Believe it or not, some prefer to apply it on their skin to cure acne and have a beautiful glowing face.

 3. Therapeutic Powers of Neem Paste

Take a bowl, add some neem paste, mix some honey, add some olive oil and apply it to your hair. It’s that simple. Neem is a very rich source of nutrients that can replenish the growth of your hair. Along with this, neem also restores the alkaline balance of your scalp which in turn prevents your hair from breaking and falling. Neem paste can be quite therapeutic for your hair. Apply the paste once or twice a week to see magical results.

hair falling

Neem restores the alkaline balance of your scalp which in turn prevents your hair from breaking and falling.

4. The Power of Fenugreek Seeds

If you do not have them at home, Fenugreek seeds can be found easily in your nearby grocery stores. Fenugreek Seeds are known to be a great remedy for hair growth and for getting rid of dandruff. To use Fenugreek seeds, soak two to three tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water for about eight to ten hours. After the seeds have softened, drain the water and make a fine paste either by grinding them or by crushing them. Apply this paste to your scalp and hair to reap its benefits. Do this regularly every week to see results. 

hair falling

Fenugreek Seeds are known to be a great remedy for hair growth and for getting rid of dandruff.

5. Orange Juice But Not your Breakfast

Did you know that applying orange juice to your hair can be quite healthy? This is because orange has properties that help you to strengthen your scalp and prevent hair fall. All you need to do for this is, take off the orange peel and mash the orange until it becomes a pulp. Now, apply this pulp to your hair like a hair pack. Leave it on for a few minutes and wash off. You will get lustrous, dandruff-free hair in no time. Applying orange juice to your hair can also be beneficial if you have an oily scalp. Use this technique once a week to get strong hair. 

hair falling

Orange has properties that help you to strengthen your scalp and prevent hair fall.

6. Magical Seeds

We are talking about flaxseed. Flaxseeds are a rich source of Vitamin B that is an essential nutrient required to boost your hair growth and make your hair strong and healthy. Along with this, flaxseeds are also a rich source of Vitamin E, that reduce the effects of radicals on your scalp and promote hair growth. For this method, you need to soak two to three tablespoons of flaxseeds in water for about five days. Once softened, apply the water on your scalp using a cotton ball or massage it with your fingers. Rinse it off after 30 minutes with warm water and voila!

hair falling

Flaxseeds are a rich source of Vitamin B that is an essential nutrient required to boost your hair growth and make your hair strong and healthy. Flaxseeds are also a rich source of Vitamin E, that reduce the effects of radicals on your scalp and promote hair growth.



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