Dear Men, Here’s Your Guide to Looking 10 Years Younger

You might be overlooking some of the basics of skincare that are actually important to prevent ageing. To make sure you stop doing that, here is the perfect skincare routine for you.

When you hit your 20s you don’t pay that much attention to your skin. But as soon as you hit your 30s, a little seed of despair starts to grow at the very back of your mind, but it is one that you usually ignore and as a result, by the time you reach your 40s and 50s, your skin is past the point of saving. Although it is a common adage that most men tend to look better with age, we don’t recommend that you stop taking care of yourself completely. Antiaging skin care is the new kid on the block and has managed to become an unspoken-of force that has managed to govern every person’s skincare routine, especially after the age of 30. But what if we told you that you could just prevent aging in the first place? After all, isn’t prevention better than cure?

Don’t be afraid of a few wrinkles, they’re totally preventable! And just like you go to the gym to maintain your body, good skincare is like gym for the face. Start as soon as you hit your 20s, your skin will definitely thank you! If you agree with us, read on and understand what mistakes you might be making when it comes to skincare and learn how to prevent aging with the perfect skincare routine.

skincare problems

Ageing is not something to be afraid of so lon as you take care of your skin properly.


Let us first identify the signs of aging so you can be better equipped to handle them. Mostly the symptoms are similar in everyone – jowls, angry creases between eyebrows, crow’s feet, brown spots, enlarged pores, or a sudden increase in oiliness. Your jawline could be reducing in sharpness, your neck could be sagging, or whatever else you think is going wrong with your skin could be a sign of aging. But don’t fret, all you need is a multistep skincare routine, and let’s face it, it’s never too late to start indulging in good habits.


Ah, the number one mistake every single teen makes in his life – skipping sunscreen! It should officially be declared a crime by now. You probably spent your youth sunbathing diligently without applying sunscreen and went home thinking it a day well spent. But little did you know, the UVA rays caused some serious cellular damage that still lurks under your skin. And then, one fine day the first sunspot shows up, and then slowly starts to bring along its other friends. Sunrays break down collagen and elastin and fast-track the appearance of sagging and wrinkles. Even pigmentation and broken blood vessels are caused by sun exposure. So, if you take away only one thing from this article, let it be the lesson that sunscreen application is not to be skipped, not even for one single day.


It’s important to keep a watch on your skin to spot signs of ageing before things go too far. 


Oftentimes, people forget to take care of their hands, which is the worst decision you could make because hands are as visible as your face and can quickly spoil your well-kept impression. As you get older, the fat on the back of your hand starts to thin out and the elastin degrades which when combined with excessive washing and sun exposure accelerates aging. Moisturize your hands and ditch harsh soaps for something gentler. And don’t forget the sunscreen.

Another often overlooked area is the scalp. Although the middle stages of hair loss are hard to manage, the starting stages are pretty easy to control. By the time you reach 35, there is a high chance you will be hit by follicular damage, which, if left untreated, will grow much worse. We suggest you beat genetics to the punch and keep your scalp in pristine condition, you can use serums and other anti-aging hair products for achieving this.


When you’re asleep, your skin is the hardest at work. So, you have the opportunity to reap countless benefits if you maintain an appropriate skincare regime. Skin metabolism is at its peak during night-time and while your body rests, your skin regenerates and heals itself. So, any product that you use at night, will give you double benefits and have a much better effect. Since your skin doesn’t have to defend itself from stress, pollution, or any other environmental stressor, it is the best time to take care of it as it doesn’t take any extra effort for the products to work.


A good skincare routine will help prevent ageing and ensure your skin stays healthy.


Here is the routine you need to follow. We have also suggested some products for it to make things easier for you.


  1. Cleanse and exfoliate
  2. Vitamin C
  3. Moisturiser
  4. SPF
  5. Body Cream
skincare products

1. NYDG, Colloidal Oatmeal Cleanser + Juice Beauty, Resurfacing Micro-Exfoliant 
2. Drunk Elephant, C-Firma Fresh Vitamin-C Day Serum
3. Anthony, Day Cream SPF30
4. Sisley, Super Soin Solaire Body Cream SPF30
5. La Mer, The Body Cream


  1. Cleanse/Exfoliate
  2. Serum
  3. Eye Cream
  4. Facial Oil/Retinol Cream
  5. Moisturiser
skincare products

1. De Mamiel, Pure Calm Cleansing Dew + La Mer, The Replenishing Oil Exfoliator
2. Augustinus Bader, The Face Oil
3. Tata Harper, Restorative Eye Crème
4. Herbivore, Orchid Antioxidant Beauty Face Oil + Clark’s Botanicals, Retinol Rescue Overnight Cream
5. 111Skin, Celestial Black Diamond Cream



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