We have always seen men behind the wheels and hot chicks around them. But here is the role reversal we always wanted. And if there was one lady who loved the thundering sound of engines like us, it was her! So here is presenting the ever so hot – Esha Gupta!
Hey, Esha! How fun was it shooting with the Audi TT?
Oh my god! The car was a beauty. And I’m a car girl and not a bike chick. I love sports cars. And when I was told that this is going to be an auto special and I would be shooting with a car, I was like damn yes! I think all I wanted was that they would say, it was an amazing shoot and we are gifting you this car. That’s only thing that didn’t happen (haha).
So speed obviously thrill you, right?
Oh, yes. Definitely.
If you had the option to design your own car what features would you want in it?
Umm… I wouldn’t really know. If I own it, I would know it. For me, the basics of car accessories need to be there. I love music, so I would want really good music system in it. And for sports cars, the wheels and powerful engine would be the music.
Are you a car racing fan? What team do you support in Formula One?
I did attend an event for a Grand Prix. But I didn’t really get into it as such. There is no particular team, but if I have to support one, then it has to be the Indian team.
How was your first experience of driving? Do you have a funny story about driving?
I think we should talk about the time when I properly started driving a car (haha). When I started driving I thought it was the best time. It’s actually the best feeling and you start to feel independent all of a sudden. You think that now you can conquer the world because you know how to drive. I remember once I was driving and it was raining heavily. I couldn’t see a big rock right on middle of the road. My car just rammed into it. The car was all over it and I was like, oh my god! I called up my cousin and he just blasted on me. The whole excitement of independence went down in minutes (haha).
What’s the longest stretch that you’ve driven?
In Delhi, I used to drive a lot. My friends and I used to go on the Jaipur highway and have a good time. There is no long stretch drive as such, because I love to relax. I need to straighten my legs.

The whole excitement of independence went down in minutes (haha).
You are an Arsenal fan, right? What team did they beat to lift the FA Cup this time? And what was the final score?
Hard core fan! Common, they beat Chelsea. And the final score was 3-1, I guess. Gotcha! It was 2-1!
Who’s your favourite Gunner?
Umm… Alexis Sanchez and Mesut Ozil.
What kind of a person are you when not in front of the camera?
Sports enthusiast and car lover. I genuinely love adventure. I am a lady who loves to jump off the plane, with the parachute on of course. I love to learn new things and go to new places. But in all of the above, I want luxury!
You are quite vocal on social media and that draws a lot of trolls as well. How do you deal with them?
I rather prefer to talk than just be quiet and look dumb. I have my opinion and in today’s age, when we have social media as a tool to actually say something that matters to the world, I think everyone should step up and talk about issues. I’m not talking the general stuff, but things that matter. As trolls, they are also reading what I’m writing. They need to what’s happening in the world. I was talking to my friend recently that the kids will be reading about the World War III which is happening right now, like the way we read about the WWI and WWII. If things bother me then I think I need to talk about it no matter what the trolls say. Some people don’t want to take a stand fearing the trolls, but I am definitely not one of those.
What does a typical day in your life look like?
Don’t ask me that, please. For the past few days, I have moving my house and it’s all been chaotic. I have started to look like some one from Movers and Packers. I don’t they didn’t do anything, because I have OCD and I want my things in a certain way. And because of that, I was the one who was moving everything from one place to another in the new house.

Some people don’t want to take a stand fearing the trolls, but I am definitely not one of those.
From Jannat 2 to now how has the journey been in Bollywood?
It’s been a roller coaster. You know when people used to tell me that their life is a roller coaster, I wouldn’t understand, but now I can. There have been a lot of ups and downs. Sometimes you have butterflies in your stomach and next time you are crying on something. I am happy that I have come a long way from what I was doing to what I am doing right now. I would say that acting chose me rather than I chose this career. I see so many people coming to Mumbai every day to pursue their dreams in Bollywood. There are so many beautiful and talented faces who are not getting there. And then I thank God that I was able to make it. But I do wish that they too succeed.
Your most memorable shoot so far?
Honestly, all of my shoots have been amazing. I relive every memory of all my photoshoots and movies every day and I feel that all of them have been great. This FHM shoot was so much fun. I really liked the concept that the woman is taking charge here. Normally you would see a rich dude with a sports car and woman all around him. But here, the woman was the lead. It’s kind of becoming an equal world here where men and women are on the same lines. I am not saying that this is women empowerment, but we are wearing the shoes in this. And that’s satisfying.
Who that one actor that you’d love to work with?
In Hollywood, it has to be Tom Hardy. I just love that man. And in Bollywood, I really want to work with Shahrukh and Salman.How could you not want to work with them. How could you not want to work with them.
So what’s happening in your personal life? Are you seeing someone?
No. Unfortunately it’s been two years now that I am single. I think its high time now to get on Tinder. Hey, I am joking. I am not going there!

How could you not want to work with them.
Your idea of a date at home?
Umm… I would love to cook for the person. Whoever I have dated have all been nonvegetarians and I am a vegan so I don’t know how I’m gonna do that. But yes, I would want to cook something for sure.
Biggest turn off for you?
I don’t like the vernacular. I am not a big fan of slangs. That turns me off. And if he smells, then it’s a no. I think that would be a turn off for any girl.
Cheesiest pick up line a guy has used on you?
“I am lost. Take me home,” I heard that once. Then there was this guy who said, “I lost my phone, can I have your number.” I looked at him and told him, “You are trying too hard. It’s not gonna work but it’s still cute.”
What according to you is a sure shot way to catch a girl’s attention?
Just be loud and you’ll get the attention. Not the right kind, but you surely will grab a lot of eyeballs. For me, just be funny and sarcastic and match up to my level of sarcasm and you will have my attention.
What’s the boldest thing you have ever done?
Jumping off the plane was really bold I think. When you are about to jump off, it’s really scary, but bold at the same time. I really want to do solo jumps. That’s in my to-do list.
Tell us about your one fetish that people are unaware of?
It’s not a fetish, but a habit actually. I need a hand sanitiser everywhere. I feel like you need them all the time. You could say that clean hands and clean feet are my fetish. And collectibles too. I love to get little things from the places I visit.

For me, just be funny and sarcastic and match up to my level of sarcasm and you will have my attention.
One style statement that you swear by.
A nice pair of denim and a white t-shirt. A nice high heels to go with it and you are sorted. And yes, shades too. You can wear the same outfit every day (keep getting it washed, of course) and not worry much making a faux pass.
What was the last thing that you bought?
Oh, a lot of things. Since I have moved into my new house I have been buying something or the other every day.
If we raided your refrigerator what would we find in it?
A lot of healthy stuff. Dry fruits, almond milk, dark chocolates, flavoured coffees, fruits and vegetables. There is nothing unhealthy in it.
And what’s the manliest thing a guy has done to impress you?
It’s the chivalry that bowls me over. If someone just pulls the chair for me, he has already won half the battle. Those days when the kings used to get the heads of their enemies for their wives are gone. So, opening the door and pulling a chair work for me (haha).
The last movie that you saw?
I saw La La Land recently. Oh, I saw Bahubali 2. It was so nice. The movie is just magnificent.
Are you a superhero fan? Who is your favourite?
Yeah. Wonder Woman! I am gonna watch the very soon.
Would you want to do a role like that of Wonder Woman?
100 per cent! Look at me and tell me that I am not made to play Wonder Woman! I think I’m sexy and I know it. I have worked for it. I work out, dance and being sexy come naturally to me (haha).

I know I want 4 dogs and in 10 years I want to be married.
What’s your poison?
I am lacto intolerant. But after my movie gets over, I get a whole tub of ice cream and eat it all alone. But I have to home for that. I throw up even after a scoop of an ice cream, but I have to have it. The first thing that comes to your mind be when you hear the following words
• Wine – Red
• Black – Colour of my heart
• Cars – Lamborghini
• Robert Downey Jr – Ironman
• Sex – Food for your soul
• Love – Food
• Pilates – For life
• Pizza – Fattening
• Travel – The more the merrier
When do we get to see you next on screen?
You would see me in Baadshaho. It’s releasing on 1st September. And another movie is releasing next year. So tell us about role in Baadshaho. Hey, it’s too early to talk about it. Umm… It’s a movie based in 70s. My character is really rough and tough. Emraan is playing my love interest and the movie is set in Rajasthan. We have shot extensively in Rajasthan. After Once Upon A Time in Mumbaai, the team is coming back together for another classic. Trust me it will be an amazing movie.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now?
I will married and have 2 kids and 4 dogs! I would like to settle somewhere around countryside. I know I want 4 dogs and in 10 years I want to be married. I would probably be running my own restaurant or something.

Look at me and tell me that I am not made to play Wonder Woman!
1. Have you ever kissed pr almost kissed a girl?
Yes. Have been kissed!
2. Have you ever been in a friends-with-benefits situation?
3. What would you do if you’re ever caught in the act?
Just say that I was lost (haha)!
4. What’s your favourite cuss word?
Fuck! Literally I keep saying it, I guess, 20 times a day!
5. What is the weirdest question that you’ve ever been asked in an interview?
Umm you… there are these journalists who ask, ”How was it kissing your co-star?” and I am in my mind thinking, ”There were 20 people in the room, filming us. There were voices like, ‘aae light nahi hai. Light phek.’ And it was all mechanical.”
6. What is the most absurd compliment someone gave you?
A lot of people have random posts talking about my lips. I find it very weird!
7. What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
Nothing actually! I am vegan and there is nothing strange that you can eat as a vegetarian.
8. What is the funniest rumour you have heard about yourself ?
That I am married. Someone told me, ”Aae didn’t you get married?” And I told her, ”Oh wow! How was the food?”
9. What is that one place in India that you love going to that is not very famous?
I want to go to Nagaland and Gangtok, because I have not been there and I really want to explore the North East belt of India.
10. If you had to choose an alternative career, what would that be?
I studied law so, I could have been a lawyer. And opening my restaurant chain is my dream. I am gonna do it for sure.