Listen Up ‘He’s Just Not That Into You’ – Here Are The Signs To Look For

This content might be a bit provocative if you’re a guy, but hear me out—if you can keep your ego in check, it could actually improve your communication with someone you’re only after for a casual fling. Don’t leave her guessing; ask directly, and you might just find that honesty leads to better, more satisfying sex!

In a world where Gen Z has turned benching, situationships, breadcrumbing, and ghosting into everyday lingo, we still hold onto that old-school love where “I wrote 365 letters to you” is the ultimate gesture. Noah waited for Allie, and even though their happily ever after seemed like a never-ending rollercoaster, Noah refused to give up. Sure, today’s crowd might label Noah as creepy or an over-the-top romantic who should have just let Allie go, but hey, true love stories need that one person who doesn’t use their brain much and is just a delightful idiot.

However, we’re here to tell you, babe, “He’s just not that into you.” In this world where sexual intimacy sometimes overshadows genuine connection, let’s set the record straight, a rarely found wise man once told me, “Don’t attach Sex to Love.” And just to clarify before you get all defensive—this wisdom comes into play when you start thinking every guy you sleep with is your soulmate. It’s only a “wake-up, it’s Sunday, and the hangover is gone” moment.

This article is for those fabulous ladies who’ve met their “the one” but are scratching their heads over his confusing behavior. We’ve got the scoop on whether he’s just interested in sex or if he’s thinking of a happily ever after!

Bringing Up a Sexual Reference During Any Conversation

This guy takes the phrase “getting to know you” to a whole new level! Forget about discussing your favorite pizza toppings or vacation spots; he’s all about diving straight into your preferred positions and steamy sex stories. You can bet your bottom dollar that he’s more interested in the color and design of your undies than anything else. And just when you think you’re steering the conversation back to mundane topics, he’ll swoop in with some spicy talk, and boom there’s sexting.

He Will Only Text You at Night

Let me drop a truth bomb on you: No one, I mean NO ONE, is so caught up in their hustle that they can’t spare a moment to ping you during daylight hours. Even if they’re juggling two businesses, if they’re genuinely into you, they’ll find a way to reach out. And here’s a mind-blowing revelation: All those late-night “Hey, you up?” texts? They’re not just a coincidence; they’re backed by science! Booty calls have a curfew, and it’s after 1 a.m. Who knew romance had a bedtime?

The Only Gift You Get for The Sake of Being Romantic Is a Vibrator

Forget about flowers, honey! This guy’s idea of romance might just involve a vibrating friend, and hey, he might even suggest sharing the fun! So, let’s spill the tea, ladies! If someone’s really into you, they’ll bring you cheesecake during those crampy days, not vanish into thin air for four whole days. If all he’s good for is booking hotel rooms, well, that’s your cue to steer clear of the ‘no strings attached’ zone!

He Won’t Meet Your Friends or Ask You to Meet His

If your partner hasn’t crossed paths with the go-to people in your life, are they truly prepared for the lifelong adventure with you? We’ve cooked up a theory on why they’re playing hide-and-seek with their friends: the less you know about their squad, the smoother their disappearing act could be. Want to put it to the test? Propose a double date with your bestie and her boyfriend, and you might just know the truth!

There Are No Real Dates (Just Hotel Rooms)

Remember the good old days of excitement? Like when you’d hear, “Get your game face on, I’ll take you away to your go-to diner”? Now it’s more like, “Got us a spot at ABC Hotel, see you there at 8!” Dates are for dudes who wear the boyfriend badge proudly, not those just playing the casual card.

No Personal or Emotional Connection

The most basic one for the perfect ending, if you find yourself in the dark about his favorite hangouts, family gossip, or anything that tugs at the heartstrings, and he’s about as forthcoming with personal details as a vault with a secret code, chances are Cupid’s arrow didn’t hit its mark. Now, this isn’t necessarily a case of romance gone rogue; sometimes, guys keep mum due to a closet full of emotional skeletons. Yep, you heard it here first!



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