Grooming: Hair Care Routines for Winter

Grooming: Winter is the time that puts your hair under stress. So, take a look at hair care routines and tricks that keep hair and scalp healthy during the winter.

Winter is at its peak, and your skin and hair become more sensitive during this time. So, what you have to do is better known to you. The less moisture in the air during the winter, the more it harms your skin, scalp, and hair. Winter harshens the texture of your hair and types, which need your extra attention as your skin. If you give more attention to your hair, you can only have soft and healthy-looking hair.

Apart from the textures, dandruff is another problem that becomes an absolute nightmare in this weather. Now, the question arises: how do you get dandruff? During winter, due to less moist air and dryness over the scalp, dust covers the scalp, which stops your scalp from breathing, and this condition causes the skin on the scalp to flake.

Despite freezing outside your four walls, you can take care of your hair with just a simple routine. Read and try these simple routines for your hair and scalp if you want great-looking, textured hair this winter.

Wear a cap or cover your head with a scarf

Hair Care Routines






It is very important and advisable to cover your head during the winter to maintain the moisture on the hair and scalp. Wearing a cap or covering your head with a scarf keeps your hair away from moisture-less weather and dry air. It also keeps you warm and prevents you from getting cold in the winter.

Silk and satin fabrics in place of cotton, wool, and other fabrics are good for your hair and prevent damage and breakage to your hair. Now, you will ask if wool is good for winter but let us tell you that wool or cotton-like fabrics create friction between the fabric and hair that leads to split ends and breakage. Also, if you want to wear woolen scarves then you can layer them with satin or silk scarves.

Use less shampoo or use dry shampoo

Hair Care Routines






Many people have the habit of overwashing their hair because they feel that it will clean their scalp and give their hair more shine to hair. You are wrong. Overwashing never gives your hair the desired shine and health. Especially during the winter, it is advisable to wash your hair twice a week or just once a week so you can keep it moisturized and protect it.

Overwashing extracts natural oil from your scalp and makes your scalp dry, which again leads to dandruff. If you are habituated to washing your hair daily, then you can opt for dry shampoo, which opens the hair shaft and makes your hair smell good and look fresh. To give an extra layer of moisture to your hair, you can also go with Hair Mask.

Don’t skip oiling your hair

Hair Care Routines






As we said above, the dryness in the air makes your scalp dry and gives birth to scalp infections, dandruff, hair fall, breakage, split ends, and whatnot. And whether a man or woman, no one will ever pray for these circumstances for their hair. Everyone needs shiny and healthy hair. It will only happen when you start oiling your hair. The worst thing we do with our hair is that we don’t oil it hair, which leads to many problems.

Hair oiling locks moisture into the hair and makes the hair healthy and shiny. It is also important to give a proper massage to the scalp so that the flow of blood increases and strengthens the roots of the hair. In winter, oil your hair one to two hours before a head wash, give a massage to the scalp, remove the oil from the strands properly, and complete your hair wash routine with the serum that locks moisture and gives shine to your hair.

Heat styling can damage your hair

Hair Care Routines





In winter, your hair has already become delicate and can cause damage with just a single mistake. Many men and women love to style their hair in several ways, and this is not wrong in any way, but heat styling makes the hair brittle and causes hair breakage. If any circumstance arises that you need to do some heat styling, then always apply heat protector serum or spray so that you can prevent further hair damage.

Go for DIYs at home

Hair Care Routines






DIYs are the best effortless way to make our hair healthy and shiny. To avoid turning issues like dryness and frizziness into your constant henchmen for the next few days, turn to home remedies to keep your hair in the healthiest state, which does not require much effort from you. All you need to do is pick up some ingredients and make a nourishing hair mask.

Here we have mentioned some DIYs that bring back your hair’s lost shine and health. They are: Cocktail Mask of Oil (Castor Oil, Almond Oil, Olive Oil); Mask of Banana or Yoghurt with Honey; Aloe vera Mask; Avacado, Banana, Coconut Oil Hair Mask; Egg Yolk, Honey, and Olive Oil Hair Mask, and many others.



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