Never Skip Caring for Your Lip

Once in Our Lifetime We All Have Experienced Dry, Rough, & Pale Lips. Do Not Ignore Them Because Red Lips Never Lie!

“The Curves of Your Lips Re-writes History” once quoted Oscar Wilde, one of the most prominent playwriters of the 1890s. Lips indeed can rewrite history, as they are the most prominent part of your face.

Everyone says the first impression is the last one, but no one tells us what is the first impression? Your lips. Covid-19 has made us hide our lips with the protective layers of face masks but aren’t lips just beautiful? From the curvy blueprints to the smooth textures, everything that goes in our mouth has to meet our lips once. 

As appealing as our lips are, they could also put a wrong first impression. They can put your personality off like a toad in the pond. Not only your personality but dry, unhealthy, and pealing lip skin can tell many things about your health too. 

Especially in females, Lips plays a very major role. Generally, they tend to ignore the lips but they are as important as your skin. Today, we have got a magical lip healer which would not only heal your lip but make it better in every sense.

Lip care

The new Lip-Savor we are talking about here is from Sisley Paris and is called “PHYTO-BLUSH TWIST N°7”. Founded in 1972, Sisley Paris is as the name suggests; French by nature. Coming directly from the World Fashion Capital, Sisley is known for providing top-notch quality all along.

Lip care

“Color, Care and a Healthy Glow in a single “twist”.” is what the brand is advertising with this lipstick. Reserving space in a lady’s bag, lipsticks have been an integral part of beauty for decades now. Why did we choose this lipstick? Because it cares much more about your lips rather than glorifying them.

Lipcare is what Sisley is going for this time, although comprising of seven different hue shades of Petal Rose, Fushia Rose, Orange Papaya, Champagne Glow, Brun Contour, Passion Rose, and Rose Berry, it provides a wide variety to choose from.

Lip care

Key ingredients such as shea Oil, camellia Oil, and derivatives of vitamin E are used in the process for better lip care. Rounded tips are also present for smooth and hassle-free application. Unlike most lipsticks, Sisly’s Phyto-Blush Twist is non-comedogenic. 

Here, we focus on providing you with both sides of the book. According to its price, this lipstick is a tad bit overpriced. Although it is mentioned that it is long-lasting but many have complained about its longevity. Otherwise, if you want to try beauty with a touch of luxury, then grab this Sisly, quickly.

Lip care


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