One cure away from Good Mood!

Before we get into suggesting remedies for acne, spots, and dry skin, let’s get conscious about the root cause of these problems faced by men.

Not just any issue limited to teenagers or women, but acne, spots, and dry skin are day-to-day skincare hitches in men too. If acne doesn’t show up in teenage years, it lets you think you are special and past that stage, but adult acne is even more annoying and you certainly cannot escape from it. Understanding your skin to further take an action on recovering from every snag is crucial. Before we get into suggesting remedies for acne, spots, and dry skin, let’s get conscious about the root cause of these problems faced by men.

Acne isn’t just simple pimples that’ll go away the same way they popped up. Acne is a bacterial infection that affects our skin pores and damages the functioning of normal skin. You are prone to acne if you have excess oil production, disposal of dead cells, dehydration, hormonal changes, bacterial effects, lifestyle habits, or even use of any such product that is not ideal for your skin. It’s almost the same for every issue related to skin. 


The basic rule to make a habit starting now is drinking at least 9-10 glasses of water daily.

Talking about dry skin, the issue is so indefinable that you might basically agree to, like too much sleep, less sleep, over intake of caffeine, sun exposure and the list goes on. The most vital notion to have healthy-looking skin requires a proper skincare regime. Some men even today think it isn’t “manly” but let’s be honest one needs to take pride in looking after themselves. Skincare is a gender-neutral concept and we are keen on drawing attention to the same for your benefit. Here we have some remedies to treat acne, spots, and dry skin at home if you don’t want to begin with investing in luxury brands.

Before jumping onto the remedies, the basic rule to make a habit starting now is drinking at least 9-10 glasses of water daily. Without you knowing, water flushes out waste from your body and helps keep pores clean. Just like water keeps you hydrated on a summery day, it’ll help keep your skin keep that moisture all day long. Cutting down on alcohol, using clean cloths, changing pillow covers and bed sheets regularly, maintaining a proper diet are also some factors to look after while protecting your skin.

Exfoliating skin will remove the top layer of dead skin cells. Face scrubs with natural ingredients are considered the best exfoliating agents. You should not exfoliate daily, by 2-3 times a week is something you need to stick to for achieving glowing skin. Also, one aspect to keep in mind while exfoliating is harshly rubbing the skin can damage the skin even more. Be gentle!


Face scrubs with natural ingredients are considered the best exfoliating agents.

Honey and Brown Sugar Scrub 

This helps to exfoliate. As the name suggests, the ingredients are beneficial to your skin to provide moisture and will also be gentle on your face while clearing out pores and bidding farewell to flakes on the skin. All you have to do is Mix brown sugar(as fine as possible) and honey together. Make a paste and gently apply using your fingertips in circular motions on the face. Avoid contact with the eye. Rinse with warm water after 7-10 minutes. You›ll love the results!

All men will agree with us, you have a habit of squeezing and pinching your pimples as they might feel irritation and burning in the area. It also leads to leaving a spot on your face. Well, we have a solution for that too. An acne pack!

Honey and Brown Sugar Scrub

As the name suggests, the ingredients are beneficial to your skin to provide moisture and will also be gentle on your face while clearing out pores and bidding farewell to flakes on the skin.

Sandalwood Pack

Take Fuller›s Earth, Camphor, Mint paste, 2 cloves, Rosewater, Sandalwood powder and mix all ingredients together. It will have a heavy consistency, apply it on the face with the help of a brush or fingertips. Let the pack dry, rinse off with water, and pat with dry towels gently!

Sandalwood Pack

Take Fuller›s Earth, Camphor, Mint paste, 2 cloves, Rosewater, Sandalwood powder and mix all ingredients together.

Apple Cider Vinegar

It is the oldest antidote in history to reduce redness and treat acne. You can include apple cider vinegar as a toner in your skincare regime. It will help calm your skin before you apply other products. Take equal parts water and milk in a bowl and dip a cotton ball and gently dab it in your face. Continue this to see satifactory results!

We have a skincare fix with your favorite fruit. Watermelon! It is skin-friendly, and this pack is ultimate for those with dry skin. It will keep them hydrated and give them moisture on a busy working day.

Apple Cider Vinegar

It is skin-friendly, and this pack is ultimate for those with dry skin. It will keep them hydrated and give them moisture on a busy working day.

Watermelon Face Pack

All you need for this remedy is just some watermelon juice and honey. Mix the two well, apply on your face for 10-15 minutes and rinse off. Tada, it’s bye-bye dry skin!

Watermelon Face Pack

Mix the two well, apply on your face for 10-15 minutes and rinse off. Tada, it’s bye-bye dry skin!

