These Yoga Poses Will Relax Your Mind

A healthy mind leads to a healthy body. And yoga ‘asanas’ are known to work best when it comes to controlling our minds and feeling relaxed. Read on to learn yoga poses to keep it all relaxed inside!

Today, we live in a world full of mental pressure, anxiety, unwanted stress and loads of responsibilities. In a competition to deal with everything around us we often stop paying attention to our mental health. Well, what added more to our anxiety this year was the pandemic, which almost hit every possible human being across the globe. The pandemic has been really emotionally draining!

Today, though the world is unlocked, the fear of Covid is still prevalent. Some might be working from home, but a lot of us have to be in our offices every day, tackling so much in our daily lives. Therefore, to keep a calm and stable mind both, at our homes and offices practicing yoga asanas could be a good option. It’s a known fact that performing yoga every day not only helps one keeps a positive mind but also a healthy body.

In fact, there are certain yoga asanas that could also help treat depression like mental concerns and sleeping disorders. This is simply because yoga directly helps the body cool down and calm the mind. Further, it helps you feel good that makes you do the right things, take the right decisions and help you live a healthier and more peaceful life.

Here are some yoga asanas to keep your mind relaxed


This position helps in relieving back pain and strengthens your hips, thighs and muscles.

Setu Bandhasana (Bridge pose)

This posture requires you to lie down backwards on the yoga mat and slowly lift your body with the help of your hands maintaining the body posture. This position helps in relieving back pain and strengthens your hips, thighs and muscles.


It helps them do away with any tiredness and further relax their body.

Shavasana (Corpse pose) 

This pose is one of the most famous yoga postures. People who are lazy and have difficulty in performing yoga poses can actually start with this one. Lie down straight on the yoga mat, like lying down on the ground with a straight body posture, hands facing towards the ceiling, with closed eyes and breathing in and out. You can practice this pose every day for 5-10 minutes depending on the time you want to spend relaxing in this position. Generally, people tend to do this asana at the last in their workout regime. It helps them do away with any tiredness and further relax their body.    


 This posture helps you release endorphins, which further helps reducing stress, and leads to a calmer state of mind. 

Uttanasana (Standing, forward bend pose)

Yogis believe that this asana can cure depression if done for half an hour every day. This is quite an extreme stretching position and does require your limbs to stretch to the fullest. In a standing position, you have to go down slowly with your upper body without bending your knees touching your feet. This posture helps you release endorphins, which further helps reducing stress, and leads to a calmer state of mind. 


With both your legs and hips touching the wall, this pose not only will help the flow of your blood circulation but also helps straighten up your spinal cord and results in more relaxation.

Viparita Karani (Legs-up-the-wall pose)

In this asana, you have to lie down with your head and trunk touching the ground and only lift your hip with the help of the wall in front of you (as in the pic). With both your legs and hips touching the wall, this pose not only will help the flow of your blood circulation but also helps straighten up your spinal cord and results in more relaxation.



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