“Mard Ban Mard”, toxic masculinity myths that are often told but are not true in real life!
Men are constantly being defined. Over the years the definition of man with certain stereotypes and unrealistic expectations are being enforced on them. “Masculinity” is defined as cultural representations and set of social practices connected with being a man. Men are often defined through Bollywood dialogues, books, society and especially the “Masculinity” stereotype which are faced by every male.
In 2021, this Genz generation has made this era questioned the “normalized” Masculinity. It has re-defined the Masculinity stereotype as a toxic one, here are some of the myths about men that you must know!
1. Men do not wear makeup or dresses

Harry Styles and Men stereotype both has impacted Men stereotypes.
Men from the young age engraved with the mindset that trying make-up or dresses are “feminine” or “Gay”. But in 2021, this perception no longer holds the male population. Harry styles is the best example for this, he is a straight man but over the years his style and fashion evolved around feminine style.
In 2020, Harry Styles wore a periwinkle blue gown paired with a black tuxedo which was designed by Gucci. His outfit often reveals feminine style with nail paints, rings, makeup, pink outfit and what not! Harry style the fashion icon broke the gender stereotype with gender neutral clothing.
2. Men avoid “Personal hygiene”

Do men take their personal hygiene seriously?
Men are usually categorized as irresponsible or lazy with their hygiene. Though if you notice clearly men take their hygiene seriously. In an interview Vicky Kaushal expressed, I am not that kind of a guy, he feels personal hygiene is basic and important. I cannot do anything before shower, I need to take shower after I go home to work and he called it a “myth”. Some guys take their grooming crucially, they even do a skin routine to keep themselves hygienic. This is the biggest myth ever!
3. Men are not emotional

Men are emotional beings.
“Mard Ko Dard Nahin Hota ” is the ultimate dialogue that always pop-up for men. Men are humans and humans feel extreme emotions which include pain, crying, hurt, happiness, sadness and other emotions. When boys are raised up they are told, a man should not cry and often told them to be strong. Men do get emotional and there is nothing weak about it, expressing emotions helps the human to deal with things in a healthier way. As women are told to embrace the emotions, so do men should embrace their emotions in a healthier way.
4. Men prefers not to “commit”

Men are afraid to commit, Is this a myth or not?
This myth usually comes up for men, the root of toxic masculinity avoids expressing or displaying any positive emotions of attachment, clingy, love and affection. Men do need love, support and affection, they do commit to relationships according to what they personally feel. It is quite subjective and it is not related to specific gender. The decision for committing can impact because of a previous relationship and current one as well. You cannot segregate men and this myth is not really true.
5. Men do not listen to “criticism”

Men personally avoid criticism, is this a myth?
Toxic masculinity has another term called “Male Ego”. This myth is hard to argue if it’s true or not. As men are often categories in the circle of having male ego and they don’t take women’s advice. But it really depends on person to person rather than gender. Men do take good criticism and accept it which depends on their maturity. Male Ego is no longer a reason to avoid criticism and this can depend on their personality.