4 Solar Powered Cars That Can Replace The Conventional

This Month We Celebrate the Power of Nature and Understand What Being Eco-Friendly Is. Let’s Get into A World Where Sun Controls Everything Tyre!

Friendly – an expression that a lot of us might be familiar with. Not only with our friends, but it is an emotion which takes us to places and lets us experience new things. A human craves friendliness; the attitude that one possesses toward a stranger is all that matters to them. While being friendly to a human is a well-known phenomenon; being friendly to our environment isn’t is. Our emphasis for this month is on being friendly with our mother that nurtures us without expecting much in return – nature. One of the biggest threats to the modern-day environment is from burning of fossil fuels. While this burning might not be willing – but we do it every day just by starting our commuters on a day-to-day basis. Today, we bring some eco-friendly options in form of cars which are powered by the sole source of vitamin D – the sun. Solar-powered cars might just be the upcoming trend and trust us, all our avid motorists will be the first to catch on to it. Just like we grasped upon the idea of electric cars, the day is near when tyres will be rolling and the engine will be roaring by the sun’s grace. Countries like India with dynamic weather and lots of sunlight can take good advantage of this technology. So, hold your car tight because the bar is going to be set up right!

Fisker Ocean

Solar Powered Cars

 Talking about Fisker Ocean, “All-Electric. Dynamic. Driver-Centric.” That is what the brand is saying about it.

A Gen-Z American automotive brand which focuses on revolutionising the automotive industry with its leading-edge technology and a concept – not many people are aware of. Fisker is a rather interesting brand with a vision and a promise which failed to gather the attention it deserved.

Making a grand debut with Fisker’s Karma luxury plug-in lineup, Fisker has come a long way. Not the best in the game but one of the leading innovationists. Talking about Fisker Ocean, “All-Electric. Dynamic. Driver-Centric.” That is what the brand is saying about it.

It comes in four variants namely – One, Extreme, Ultra, and Sport. The Extreme and One edition are the more luxury-oriented and the other two are more utility oriented. The main characteristic which adds the element of “Eco-friendly” is the SolarSky roof which powers the Hyper range battery on board. Some of the main features of this solar-powered car are -:

  • Ocean One Digital Signature MaliBlu InteriorRange: 350 Miles (Fisker estimate utilizing EPA standards)
  • Powertrain: Dual Motor AWD w/ Rear Disconnect
  • Drive Modes: Earth, Fun, Hyper with Smart Traction
  • 80 kWh Battery with a Range of up to 300 miles

Sono Sion

Solar Powered Cars

When this car was launched in 2017 – this car won the title for being the world’s first solar car available for the mass market.

“Driven By the Sun” are the four magical words when it comes to Sono. Hailing from Germany – Sono has been placed in a unique spot if we talk about the automobile industry. They are working on a rather intuitive and effective methodology of running the engine with the help of the sun.

Talking about the car, when this car was launched in 2017 – this car won the title for being the world’s first solar car available for the mass market. The only thing that this solar-powered car lacks is good looks. Just like when tesla was launched – with a great concept it had the backing of beautiful visual tendencies. It looks like just any family-friendly SUVs or MUVs in the market.

Talking of the performance, it runs on a 54-kWh battery which can easily go up to 280-300 kilometres on a single charge. The motor is three-phased and can produce a total horsepower of 199 BHP – which is not that much. And the top speeds can peak up to 140 Km/h. Some of the specifications are -:

  • 120 kWh Drive Train Motor
  • Total Trunk Volume – 650 Litres
  • Weekly Solar Average Range of 112 Km
  • Charging Speed as Low As 35 minutes with CCS
  • 4.47 X 2.10 Metres Length and Width

Stella Era

Solar Powered Cars

Stella likes to refer to this car as “Power plants on wheels”.

Covering a non-profit organization for the first time – we introduce you to Stella. Founded in the Netherlands; Stella was started by students of the Eindhoven University of Technology. They have done a deed that many profit-making companies can’t – they have produced World’s first road-legal solar-powered family car.

Personally, the design looks quite awful with the car looking straight out of an alien concept movie. But don’t go on the looks alone because it packs so much in that easily – it is the jack of all trades when it comes to solar automobiles.

Stella likes to refer to this car as “Power plants on wheels”. They have focused on the applicability of solar energy is not just running the car – but also acting as an energy source for other technology instruments. It has a seating capacity of 5 people and the interior looks directly from the future. Some of the major specifications are -:

  • Generates Energy Through the Roof Solar Panels
  • The facility of Shower, Tele Vision, and Coffee Maker
  • Self-Driving Mode
  • Can Act as Charging Station for Other Electric Cars
  • Pre-Installed with a Solar Navigator

Fiat Concept Centoventi

Solar Powered Cars

You can customize this car from roof to bottom and that too quite heavily. “Born to be dressed” is the title given to Centoventi by Fiat.

An automobile mogul which every engine lover might be aware of – Fiat has been one of the oldest moto manufacturers there is as of now. Founded in 1899 in Italy, it represents what an Italian ideology is for a very long time.

Meaning “One hundred and twenty” in English – Centoventi marks the 120th anniversary of the brand. While it was released at 2019’s Geneva Motor Show, this concept car has created a lot of buzz due to Fiat’s unique propositions and the element of ‘customizable’ used by the brand.

According to Fiat, you can customize this car from roof to bottom and that too quite heavily. “Born to be dressed” is the title given to Centoventi by Fiat. It comes with 256 colour schemes – each customisable as per your preference; if you want a red roof with neon doors, consider it done. Although it copies the design language of Fiat Panda, this might be combined with an electric car when released. Some of its specifications are -:

  • Pre-equipped with 125 underfloor batteries
  • One out of four roofs with solar panels on-board
  • Minimalistic all-infotainment-based interior
  • Pre-installed separate cup racing seats
  • 99 Kilometres on single underfloor batteries



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