A ‘Razor-Sharp’ Journey

Not true! Here we are with fun facts, about the trajectory of razors, from its origin to how it looks in today’s time. Have fun reading!  

You must have thought that razors for depilation, are a thing of modern era. Not true! Here we are with fun facts, about the trajectory of razors, from its origin to how it looks in today’s time. Have fun reading!  

Although shaving is a phenomenon as old as ice age, when men used to shave their facial hair with sharp things like flint, shark teeth or clam shell, but around 400 BC disk like razors of copper and gold were excavated from Egyptian tombs.


Although shaving is a phenomenon as old as ice age, when men used to shave their facial hair with sharp things like flint, shark teeth or clam shell, but around 400 BC disk like razors of copper and gold were excavated from Egyptian tombs.

Researchers say that, on an average, at one time, a man has 10 to 15 thousand facial hair in his stubble.


Researchers say that, on an average, at one time, a man has 10 to 15 thousand facial hair in his stubble.

The first ever safety razor, which was inspired by carpenter’s hand tool, was developed in 1762 by a French man, named Jean-Jacques Perret. He had attached the regular straight razor blade with wooden sleeve to prevent accidental slicing.


The first ever safety razor, which was inspired by carpenter’s hand tool, was developed in 1762 by a French man, named Jean-Jacques Perret.

In 1847 an aviation visionary from England, named William Samuel Henson, invented and patented ‘T shaped’ shaving razors and detachable comb tooth guard.


In 1847 an aviation visionary from England, named William Samuel Henson, invented and patented ‘T shaped’ shaving razors and detachable comb tooth guard.

Inspired by Hanson’s invention, Charles Stewart & Company in London, introduced folding straight razor, with detachable tooth guard and named it as ‘Plantagenet’ razor in 1851.


Inspired by Hanson’s invention, Charles Stewart & Company in London, introduced folding straight razor, with detachable tooth guard and named it as ‘Plantagenet’ razor in 1851.

In 1875, Kampfe Brothers (Frederick and Otto F. Kampfe) started producing safety razors named ‘Star Safety Razor’ in a tiny one room apartment, in New York.


In 1875, Kampfe Brothers (Frederick and Otto F. Kampfe) started producing safety razors named ‘Star Safety Razor’ in a tiny one room apartment, in New York.

Popular shaving tool brand – Gillet introduced two-piece safety razor, in 1903, that consisted of a sharp and strong double edge blade, joined to a reusable handle.


Popular shaving tool brand – Gillet introduced two-piece safety razor, in 1903, that consisted of a sharp and strong double edge blade, joined to a reusable handle.

For the first time ever, Col. Jacob Schick, an American inventor and entrepreneur, invented electric razor in 1930.


For the first time ever, Col. Jacob Schick, an American inventor and entrepreneur, invented electric razor in 1930.



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