Feel Younger And Fitter For Longer!

Strength Is Something That Reduces With Age. We have Got Something Interesting To Rule Your Late 30s And 40s! Read Ahead To Know Everything.

A Healthy Lifestyle is not optional, it’s essential! As you approach your 30s, you’re likely to get busier than ever with work and family. Since the metabolism starts to slow down, it is easy to feel more tired and less excited to work out. But adding physical activity to your routine at this age will have immediate benefits, such as boosting heart health, strengthening bones and improving sleep patterns. In late 30s, caring for the muscles and joints is very important to prevent knee and back injuries in your 40s and 50s. Television, News, Websites and social media are flooded with diets promising a ‘quick-fix’ or ‘instant results,’ but they can be really restrictive and unsustainable. At the end, it’s never too late to focus on your health and wellbeing, if you have fitness goals to achieve. So, buckle up and look forward to your new workout regime.

Standard Plank

Standard Plank

Plank is one of the most complete and easy-to-do exercises that you can do in your late 30s. It increases strength, and you can also improve your balance and endurance along the way. To perform the standard Plank exercise, position yourself with your arms extended and your hands on the floor placed directly under your shoulders, as in a push-up position. Dorsiflex your ankles so your toes are pointed into the floor and are supporting your weight. Thus, it is an excellent exercise for improving your core’s stability and strength when executed correctly. It will also help to improve your posture, reduces lower back pain, and strengthens your shoulders.

Barbell Squats

Barbell Squats

It’s a compound lift exercise which focuses primarily on the entire trunk, but your upper body and core can benefit from this as well. You must remember not to use hefty loads since they can cause harm – focus on endurance with a moderate amount of weight, and ensure that the form of your knees and lower back are right to prevent any injuries. You need to put your feet a little wider than shoulder width apart. And let the toes stick out to the sides a little bit and keep your core tight. Sometimes called “the king of exercises”, this can also trigger the release of testosterone and HGH (human growth hormone) in your body. These are both vital for muscle growth and helps to improve muscle mass.

Pelvic Raise Bridge

Pelvic Raise Bridge

This exercise is meant to target the core muscles and the hip flexors of the body, which tend to lose strength till you age. A variant of this exercise is the hanging leg raise, which can cause stress over the shoulders if they are practised too much. But this reduces stress on your body and lets you focus well on the parts that it is supposed to work on. Lie flat on your back and push your heels into the floor as you lift your pelvis up off the floor until your upper body and thighs form a straight line. Hold it for 2 seconds, lower down slowly, and repeat it 8 to 12 times. Make sure you tighten your gluteus and abdominal muscles while in this position to maintain a correct bridge alignment.

Elliptical Cardio 

Elliptical Cardio

An elliptical is a machine which may seem to be built for cardio, but it helps increase your strength too. It may cause stress on your knees and legs if its done too much – and helps you focus more on your arm and core strength if you pump your arms just as fast as you’re moving your legs. The elliptical can target your glutes, hamstrings, quads, chest, back, biceps, triceps, and core muscles. It can help strengthen your heart, lungs, and muscles, all while boosting your stamina, improving your balance, and burns calories. It’s also a great option if you have joint issues or want to build or maintain your fitness.



Pilates focuses on strengthening and improving control of muscles, giving you a low-impact workout that may ease pressure on your hips and other joints. Pilates helps protect & reduce any stress on joints, even those with minor aches & stiffness. It offers joint-friendly exercises that make mobility & suppleness better, even when workout is hard due to joint stiffness or soreness. Better joints signify strong movements to help be energetic in anything you like doing, right from travelling to running. This reduces impact of any age- related joint issues like arthritis. You will see a noticeable positive difference after 10, 20 & 30 sessions. Since Pilates develops strength & flexibility perfectly, this becomes important in sustaining both physical integrity and alignment while stretching muscles or help increase joint’s motion range.




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