Five Things You Need to Know Before You Lose Your Virginity

Having sex for the first time may make you a bit anxious, excited, and confused. Read on to know the answer to some common questions people have in mind before losing virginity.

Losing virginity is no big deal but it’s a very pivotal moment for you. Before you have sex for the first time, lots of questions, confusion, and curiosity go through your mind, which is completely normal. When you are ready to connect with someone intimately, you should be prepared in every way. By saying this we mean, you should make sure you’re ready to have sex with that person, not because of peer pressure or anything like that and you must know safe sex.

There is no right or wrong way to have sex. And no matter what you have seen in porn or movies or heard from others, though, there are some things that no one will tell you about sex, like how you feel afterward. But before knowing about sex you should know about virginity, like “What does losing virginity mean?” In Medical Terms, losing virginity refers to first time having a vaginal intercourse. If you’re confused about what it feels like have sex for the first time, here, we going to answer some common questions people ask before having sex.

There are five things you need to know before you lose your virginity:

There is no ‘Pop’ during vaginal penetration




A hymen is a loose or not all intact piece of tissue that hangs around the vagina


You have probably heard the myth “the hymen will break during vaginal penetration” but it is just a myth, it won’t pop because it simply can’t. A hymen is a loose or not all intact piece of tissue that hangs around the vagina. Hymen can be torn during exercise, penetrative sex, or some other physical activity. And sometimes, many girls are born without a hymen. So, your hymen can’t decide the status of your virginity.

In the concept of losing virginity, there’s more than just P in V




Many people may no longer call themselves virgins after engaging in any kind of penetration


Many people believe that vaginal penetration with the penis is the only way to lose virginity, but that’s not the case. Many people may no longer call themselves virgins after engaging in any kind of penetration with a finger or sex toy, or anal penetration. When it comes to sex, there is more than P in V.

Your body isn’t going to change after sex




These sexual arousal responses are temporary- it’s just responding to the stimulus


Nothing is going to change in your body after you have sex. You will only experience some physiological reactions. This may include a swollen vulva, rapid breathing, an erect penis, and flushed skin. These sexual arousal responses are temporary- it’s just responding to the stimulus. After sex, your body will slowly return to its regular state.

Don’t try to copy what you saw in Movies or Porn




All of these porn movies show how messy first-time sex can be with blood, it’s not true


What you watch in movies and porn is the wrong interpretation of actual sex. All of these porn movies show how messy first-time sex can be with blood or your sheet would look like a scene from a horror movie afterward. It’s not true. There may be some minor bleeding because of hymen stretches during penetration. You don’t need to freak out too much after seeing it.

The first time you have sex does hurt a little bit because friction may happen with penetration or because of lack of lubrication. If you have vaginal penetration – you can produce lubrication naturally or can use lube, which minimizes irritation. But if you’re engaging anal penetration, then using lube is a must because anal can’t produce lubrication on its own.

Always use protection




Always use protection, whether it is going to use condoms or pills


Just because it’s your first time doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant, or you can’t get or spread unknown STDs. Always use protection, whether it is going to use condoms or pills. Don’t hesitate to discuss it with someone you can trust, or you can see a gynecologist.

