We Are Obsessed With This Scottish Breed Of Retriever Dog, And We Know You Are Too. Here Is Everything From Styling To Behavior You Need To Know About These Pawfect Babies!
I f you are a believer of, “Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole”, we can definitely become good friends. For this month, we have the golden baby, golden retrievers! Before diving, let’s know some fun facts & their history, as their paws are celebrated in most countries. You might not know, but golden retrievers were trained to hunt in the great outdoors during the mid-1800s when they were bred and raised by gamekeepers at an estate owned by Lord Tweedmouth. These active puppies with thick, long-ish golden coats and a sturdy build have become the golden boy of many houses. Their image is that of a true family dog and no household with retrievers would disagree. The best part about them is they make excellent therapy dogs; we know most pets do but golden retrievers provide an abundance of empathy and unconditional love. They can calm you like no other! Enough said, let’s dive in and know all about their grooming, behaviors, health needs, and other care facts. Oh, before that, consider this a sign from God to own the golden baby!
Female Golden retrievers weigh between 55 and 65 pounds and 65 to 75 pounds for males and as for their height, it reaches between 21.5 inches to 24 inches at the shoulder. Their coat is typically golden or red and with a feathery tail, they win hearts and make us go ‘aww’. This breed lives between 10 and 12 years on average and is an energetic and healthy breed as compared to others. Having said that, golden retrievers are more prone to cancer than other dog breeds and therefore need care and regular check-ups.

These active puppies with thick, long-ish golden coats and a sturdy build have become the golden boy of many houses. Their image is that of a true family dog!
Care Tips: Food, Exercise, Grooming Etc.
Golden retriever requires a lot of attention and since they are enthusiastic and ever ready to play or exercise, taking care of them becomes moderately difficult. Due to their habit of exploring and learning everything at an early age, they tend to put themselves into trouble therefore it’s advised to fence off swimming pools or ponds in your yard, high electric cables, etc, or simply dog-proof your homes.

Lean meats and fish, such as beef, chicken, turkey, or salmon can be given to Golden Retrievers
As for food, giving proper nutrition to your doggies is crucial. Retrievers will drink between 1/2 and 1 ounce of water per pound depending on the weather and their activity levels. Even though human food is not as good, Golden Retrievers can be fed a range of human foods as long as they’re given in moderation. Proteins, for example, lean meats and fish, such as beef, chicken, turkey, or salmon can be given. Don’t make your retriever reach a level of obesity, as it’s a common health issue in this breed.
Golden retrievers will make sure their owners get plenty of exercise, as this hyperactive breed have no problem when it comes to exercising and health. But we recommend owners to make sure they have a structured exercise routine, so take them out for a minimum of 45 minutes of exercise per day apart from their normal walks, and preferably with a good 2-hour bout of longer exercise at least once per week.

Occasional baths are necessary for golden retrievers as their coats are water repellent.
Speaking of grooming, this breed doesn’t shed frequently, but once or twice a year they do shed heavily, so it’s best to brush them out daily. Occasional baths are necessary for golden retrievers as their coats are water repellent. One area to not miss is the ears, they block the holes in the ears, and trap water inside, causing bacterial build-up ultimately leading to infection. Oh lastly, scheduling visits to the vet is also mandatory so keep a check on that too! Honestly, it isn’t hard, all you got to do is take care of the dog like a little baby with lots of admiration and affection!

Speaking of grooming, this breed doesn’t shed frequently, but once or twice a year they do shed heavily.
The most facile training is that of a golden retriever, this one is smart and easy to please. You just have to keep certain facts in mind. This breed is known to respond best to positive reinforcement such as treats, sticks, and affection when shown good behavior. For a pleasant and sociable dog, socialize a golden retriever with mild petting from diverse people, inclusive of children.

The most facile training is that of a golden retriever, this one is smart and easy to please.
Yes, we aren’t going to deny how they are prone to biting, as they were bred to carry objects in their mouths, but to avoid that you can make a yelping sound and move away when the dog bites or put a toy in its mouth to give it something to chew on. That’s how easily the problems can be solved! This is it for this month, we’ll catch you next month with another cutesy breed till then don’t escape the pup-arazzi!