Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.” once quoted Michael Jordan, A legendary Basketball Player who is a fitness icon for many. Fitness is the most underrated aspect in today’s era.
With our limited knowledge and limited time, Fitness has become like the road signs on the highway, we see it is there but we tend to ignore it.
Fitness is one of the most important virtues of our lifestyle. Smooth functioning of our body depends on how fit we are. Consider your body as a machine, now if you don’t do the regular maintenance of this machine, it is bound to malfunction. Fitness plays the role of that regular maintenance of our body. Today, we will enhance your knowledge and will enchant you with some tips that will help you stay fit in the long run!
Being fit is something that does not require much time and effort, the only thing it requires is dedication and patience. Now fitness here does not in any way mean that you have to lift heavy weights or go to gyms and do heavy workouts. You can be hale and hearty by making certain changes in your lifestyle, and trust us, these minute changes will surely add up and provide you with the most important asset that one can ever get; Health.
You must be wondering how can one be fit by just sleeping? Well, you can. You just have to know the difference between sleeping and healthy sleeping. This minute line of difference changes the whole picture here. The basic difference lies in the time for when we are asleep. A healthy sleep ranges from 7-9 hours daily, anything below or above that range is unhealthy.
Each person is unique and so are their sleep patterns, everyone has different sleep requirements but when you sleep your body goes through a set of stages. The most important being ‘Deep Sleep’. To reach deep sleep, you have to go through other stages which require adequate time. So, take hold of your pillows and get sleeping as fast as you can!

Each person is unique and so are their sleep patterns, everyone has different sleep requirements but when you sleep your body goes through a set of stages.
Nutrition plays a vital role in shaping up your body and determining your health. ‘You are what you eat’ is a popular saying that is true to its senses. Eating healthy does not mean that all you have to eat is vegetables and fruits but avoid junk and oily food whenever possible.
Oily and unhealthy food makes you feel bloated and lazy, it limits your physical activity and can have adverse effects on your heart, kidneys, and liver. You can add dry fruits and milk in your diet, go for natural and healthy resorts that would yield benefit out of your body.

Oily and unhealthy food makes you feel bloated and lazy, it limits your physical activity and can have adverse effects on your heart, kidneys, and liver.
One of the most important factors of being fit is knowing what is going inside your body. To have adequate knowledge about the food item you are eating, you can download several applications via the internet. Sometimes, we don’t know that we are eating junk and calorie-rich food due to a lack of knowledge of the ingredients. This practice affects our body severely without even making us realise our wrongdoings.
Once you know the exact nutritional value of the item you’re eating, you can actually act on it and it will be very beneficial in achieving your goal more efficiently and more quickly.

Sometimes, we don’t know that we are eating junk and calorie-rich food due to a lack of knowledge of the ingredients. This practice affects our body severely without even making us realise our wrongdoings.
Our body is made up of up to 60% water. This water regulates the smooth functioning of vital organs and keeps our body going on. An average male body should consume about 3.7-4 Litres of water and for females, this range comes down to 2.7-3 Litres. Water is responsible for transporting all the vital nutrients and oxygen to your cells.
It also ensures that all the toxic and harmful bacteria are removed from your bladder. This regular consumption of water will make sure that your body stays cool and your blood pressure is normal.

It also ensures that all the toxic and harmful bacteria are removed from your bladder. This regular consumption of water will make sure that your body stays cool and your blood pressure is normal.
An active lifestyle is very important for being fit. Being active does not mean that you should go to the gym and start lifting heavyweights. It rather emphasizes on your daily routine and focuses on the bigger picture.
Activities like running, jogging, power walking, stretching and, yoga can be beneficial for your health. These exercises can be performed easily without any equipment and increase the flexibility of your body. Sometimes, the accumulation of toxic elements in the joints can make your body stiff and inelastic. You can eliminate these ifs and buts by engaging in some physical exercises. These will be much less time-consuming and are rather easier than gyms.

Activities like running, jogging, power walking, stretching and, yoga can be beneficial for your health.