Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara actor Farhan Akhtar finally got married to Shibani Dandekar. After many rumors and predictions, wedding pictures got leaked. It got announced that Shibani, wife of Farhan, which surfaced all over the media, to know more about the inside wedding events; keep on reading.
Farhan Akhtar and Shibani been in a relationship for more than three years, and share often each other’s pictures on the internet. The rumors of them getting married was being buzzed all over the internet.
Though the wedding card became a headline, the confirmation of their wedding was incomplete. Shibani Dandekar’s sister Anushka Dandekar was asked about the rumours about her sisters wedding. She laughed and said I don’t really want to comment on this because I don’t know anything about it. Anushka Dandekar chose not to spill any beans, she neither confirmed anything. But, the date for their wedding was being confused, they finally made it to the next level as a newly wedding couple.
On 14th February Farhan Akhtar did a boy’s nights with the couple mask. Though he even posted with Shibani mask and wished her girlfriend Valentine’s Day. On Saturday Farhan Akhtar and Shibani tied knot with each other, at the destination of khandala farmhouse. Shibani choose to wear a diverse color on her wedding day, she standout on her wedding day. She was wearing red fish tail gown and with her red veil. Farhan Akhtar was spotted wearing black suit and the couple took entirely different color for their wedding, and took vows. They broke the ordinary dress code for wedding.
Shibani sister Anushka Dandekar and her friends did amazing performance on her wedding day.
In the wedding Akhtar spotted grooving with Shibani on their wedding day. One of the wedding clips which is getting spread is of senorita, Farhan and Hrithik both seen dancing and grooving together; which fans found wholesome. Anushka Dandekar and her friends did an amazing performance on her wedding day. Even the bride’s mate was spotted wearing an Indian traditional outfit, and the decoration looked simplistically beautiful. Fara khan posted a picture on Saturday in a green outfit and said aaj bhai ki shadi hain.
 The wedding took place in a farmhouse, other celebrities got spotted at the wedding who were Satish Shah, Ashutosh Gowariker, Ritesh Sidwani; Shibani sister Apeksha Dandekar, Anushka Dandekar and shibani’s best friend Rhea chakraborty was spotted wearing lehenga. Even Hrithik Roshan’s parents got spotted in the wedding and her mom Pinkie Roshan shared the wedding experience and said It was a bliss, surreal and simplistic. Showered her blessing on Shibani Dandekar and Farhan Akhtar.
Farhan Akhtar finally got married to Shibani Dandekar on 19th February.
Some Fans were seen to be overjoyed and filled the comment section with warm wishes and gave congratulations for the newly wedded couple. But, a lot of fans were seen trolling and shaming Shibani Dandekar’s decision on getting married to Farhan Akhtar; as Shibani is her second wife.
For four years the couple were committed and finally made it official on 19th February. Farhan Akhtar and Shibani finally took a level up in their relationship and got married. The couple and their family were spotted the next day leaving from Khandala Farmhouse.