Breathe in Breathe Out

In order to lead a better and prosperous life, it’s important that we keep our mental health stable. Today as we make our work life our only life, we tend to forget how to keep our minds free from daily stress. We need to understand that unwinding our thoughts, every day, is important otherwise all our problems can get accumulated.

The young generation and the older generation, both consider money making as a goal, in order to achieve happiness. And in the process of attaining happiness, we often neglect focus on mental peace and sanity. I am not saying that making money and work life is the only thing we get stressed about; there are other relationship problems and life crisis that leads to severe anxiety. What we can do to help ourselves, at the very least, is acknowledge the fact that we are facing anxiety. Today, in India anxiety is not considered a problem that needs treatment. Whereas, 88% of Indians do face anxiety, according to a survey conducted in December 2020 called – ‘The Center of Healing’.

So here are few things that you can do, to help better deal with your anxiety issues:

Train Your Mind: Focus on Finding Solutions for Your Problems

Anxiety can be caused by many reasons, maybe a meeting with your boss, relationship complications, financial losses, it can be anything, that your mind gets trapped on. So, there are two ways to deal with it; you can choose to distract your mind from that topic. For instance, start doing something different at that point, maybe start solving a math’s problem, something that engages you into that activity and requires your complete attention. You can play games on your phone that requires you to build strategies to win, like Save Man or Hangman etc.

Another way is to cope up with your thoughts and to ask yourself ‘Do I really have this problem and do I have a solution to this?’ According to Harvard Business Review, think of all the possibilities and give yourself at least three different assumptions. Also, if your problem doesn’t have a solution, at the moment its ok to skip the thought and put it aside for a while, till your better equipped to face the issue again. 

mental health

Anxiety can be caused by many reasons, maybe a meeting with your boss, relationship complications, financial losses, it can be anything, that your mind gets trapped on.

Take Some Time Out from Social Media

Today, in the covid era, most of our anxiety and hyper tension is caused by the news that’s circulating around us. All the negativity and the crumbling down of health care structure, during this grim time, is causing a massive toll on our mental health and is thus leading to anxiety. Its rightly said ‘Ignorance is a Bliss’, sometimes to keep yourself at peace you need to distance yourself from things that trigger or cause panic or pull you down. For example, limit your time to use your cellphone or to be on social media. Do not engage in any online debate that can hamper your peace of mind. Acknowledge the fact that everyone has an opinion and its ok to ignore it, if you don’t agree. Rather than engaging actively on social media, you can spend that time to learn new activity, that you thought of but could never make out time for. You can go pursue a hobby, participate in leisure activities or learn a new skill; basically, anything that interests you. 

mental health

Its rightly said ‘Ignorance is a Bliss’, sometimes to keep yourself at peace you need to distance yourself from things that trigger or cause panic or pull you down.

Play Physical Games Indoors

Playing games not only works as a distraction for you to deal with anxiety, but helps your mind calm down a little. For example, playing ludo with a partner or friends (and its better when it’s a board game), or engaging with people around you, can help you cope up with anxiety. You can also go for a round of UNO or maybe Monopoly. Any game that lets you relive your childhood memories can be of great help. Virtual video games, that involve physical engagement, are another superb option to keep your mind away, from overthinking.

mental health

Playing games not only works as a distraction for you to deal with anxiety, but helps your mind calm down a little.

Indulge in the Art of Self Expression  

This is a broad topic; creativity can mean something different to everyone. So, the first thing you need to sort is what it means to you? For some, it’s being artistic with colours, some like decorating their rooms and houses with DIY creativity, some like singing or making music that pleases their soul or maybe to groove in and create their own dance moves. So, you choose your own activity, one that brings out your own creativity; it can even be reading books, or maybe writing poetry and making calligraphy. Basically, the idea is for you to find that one activity or activities that helps you release your stress and pain. Dive into the search of what makes you feel the adrenaline rush, maybe making podcast or giving advices or talking about your experience, is a form of stress buster for you. Search and indulge in your own stress buster, to keep the worries low.

mental health

Dive into the search of what makes you feel the adrenaline rush, maybe making podcast or giving advices or talking about your experience, is a form of stress buster for you.


Meditation is the most recommended remedy for stress and anxiety, worldwide, but practically speaking it does require some genuine efforts, especially in the beginning. Its might not be easy for an overthinker to start meditating. So, for starters what we can do is just sit quietly for 2 minutes; slowly and steadily we can increase our timings to 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes and so on. While meditating, you can try giving yourself some aromatherapy, that will help make your senses more aware to your surroundings. Many therapist’s advice using scented candles like – lemon or lavender, or fragrances that you like, that helps sooth your mind.

Finally, if you feel that certain situations are overwhelming or getting out of your hands, and you cannot deal with it all by yourself, you can always consult a therapist or seek professional help, there is nothing to be ashamed of, in doing so; remember self-care and love is the most fundamental need, for a good life. 

mental health

Meditation is the most recommended remedy for stress and anxiety, worldwide, but practically speaking it does require some genuine efforts, especially in the beginning.



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