Food experiments that are cringe-worthy and need to stop ASAP

From Fanta Maggi to Oreo Pakoda, these food combinations are absolutely Bizarre.

Junk food is undeniably the best thing humans have created and many of you would agree with that. Who doesn’t enjoy eating the trendy, unhealthy, but delicious food combinations that indulge the taste buds? While around the world, people have developed innovative methods to combine typical fast-food ingredients in a variety of ways, some of them have destroyed our emotions with some profound dishes combined.

The cringe Pakodas

food experiments

Would you eat a pakoda that is filled with chocolate or cookies?

We desi people can never get enough of our ek pyaali chai and pakodas, but some not-so-creative minds have ruined this perfect combination. You might have had fritters or pakodas of various types like potato, onion, chilly, and various others. But, would you ever want to have a pakoda made of chocolate? Yes, you read that right. People across India have started experimenting with these lovely monsoon snacks where cream cookies or a bar of chocolate is dipped in the besan batter and deep fried. From chocolate to oreo pakoda, it is high time for such people to stop experimenting with such soulful food items.


food experiments

Fanta + Maggi = Bizarre

food experiments

Maggi laddus are made with jaggery and we don’t approve of this combination. 

India is known for its unwavering love of Maggi, so experimenting with these instant noodles is only natural. However, we have seen several delightful twists that went a little bit too far. Foodies were shocked to discover Maggi laddus made with jaggery, Maggi milkshakes, Oreo variations topped with ice cream, and maybe the craziest of them all, one created with the carbonated beverage, Fanta, this year as folks were still recovering from the horrors of kheer Maggi. Can we please eat this soul food as it is meant to be eaten, please?

Rasgulla chaat

food experiments

People need to leave the sweet and savory foods separate. 

Rasgulla, the beloved sweet of Bengalis, has also become a subject of arguments with the most disturbing food experiments. A Delhi-street vendor created a chaat using the dessert as the main ingredient, adding yogurt, and topping with dried fruits and tamarind chutney in an effort to create something novel. The chaat was also created in Tikki form by a different vendor in Bengaluru as if that weren’t enough.

Chocolate pizza

food experiments

As if pineapple wasn’t enough on pizza, now we have chocolate and banana as well.

We are aware that the list has already begun to irritate your throat in all the wrong ways. When the word “pizza” is mentioned, we immediately picture a delectable crusty flatbread with heaping amounts of cheese, marinara spread, exotic herbs, and your favourite toppings. However, chocolate pizza is a very different matter. This recipe is for you if you can picture cheesy bread with melted pieces and syrups of chocolate on top. Also, as though pineapple weren’t enough on a pizza, the dish has been made horribly by the banana.

Looks like it’s high time to protest against these crazy and disastrous experiments with food.

