Meet Matilda Dahlin, A “Thriving Wild Fantasy”

Setting trends is what matters & Matilda Dahlin an ambitious Swedish Fashion Model is an absolute pick when it comes to fashion, beauty and even health!

Matilda Dahlin has always made it worthwhile when people stare. This star despite being an integral part of the fashion industry from a young age has gone through many challenges but never gave up. From looking like a delightful fantasy to leading health and fitness she has got it all. In a candid conversation with us, she tells all about her past experiences in the field, while spreading knowledge for aspiring models and even spills deets about her upcoming projects. Read on!

Matilda Dahlin.
Matilda Dahlin has always made it worthwhile when people stare.

What was your biggest learning experience after working in the field of modeling for so long?

The biggest learning experience I have had is to always follow your gut and instincts. There are many people who want to take advantage of young aspiring models and claim they want to help your career, but in fact, have another agenda. If you feel something is wrong or doesn’t add up, go the other direction immediately and save yourself from a lot of pain.

With all of the success, it definitely wasn’t easy. Tell us about some of the challenges you faced when you entered the industry?

I, unfortunately, was the victim of several scams when I first started modeling, due to con artists claiming they wanted to boost my modeling career. I lost thousands of dollars that I never saw again. I have also been sexually harassed on different jobs and photoshoots by photographers and people in the industry at different events over the years. In addition, I was a victim of cyberbullying and harassment when I started to get known in my town, which continued for several years. I got threatening messages and letters from unknown people which led to me involving the police. I sometimes still have nightmares about it.

Matilda Dahlin.
I lost thousands of dollars that I never saw again.

You have seen your grandmother working in the fashion industry, how was it back then and how has it changed over the years?

I was fortunate enough to be a part of my grandmother’s designs from the infant age to the elementary years, being a child model for her designs. My mother told me stories of how she created high-end dresses for me and how I used to love play dress-up, which I still do. Back then, designs and styles of clothes were very different as it was a different time. Today, it is more versatile.

How would you describe yourself in three words?

Kind loving & ambitious.

Matilda Dahlin.
Kind loving & ambitious.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Eating chocolate syrup off a spoon.

What is one compliment you love receiving from people around you?

I always get compliments on how beautiful my blue eyes are which I love hearing since I got my eyes from my mother.

How has being a mother changed you as a person?

The day my daughter was born changed my life forever. I would do absolutely anything for her to make sure she has a good and happy life. I work a million times harder now than ever before and I am more driven and motivated to achieve my goals and dreams. I love my daughter more than anything and I can’t wait to see her grow into a beautiful woman one day.

Matilda Dahlin.
Eating chocolate syrup off a spoon.

Fitness and Health are two very important aspects. That being said, please share some of your fitness tips with us?

To stay in good shape I work out 6-7 days per week at the gym doing different workouts that work the entire body. In addition, I do a nutrition program daily. It involves drinking 2 plant-based protein shakes (breakfast and lunch) and then having a 4-600 cal. But most importantly I start my day by drinking a glass of water to jumpstart my metabolism. It helps me eat less throughout the day because I feel full and obviously helps me stay hydrated.

You have your own perfume in collaboration with Waft Fragrance, tell us about the scent of your perfume and your taste in fragrances?

The name of the scent is Midsommar, which is a direct reference to the Swedish tradition of Midsommar, being that my heritage is Swedish. I wanted to design a scent that represented a summer romance. It has a rose scent to it, which is my favorite fragrance.

Matilda Dahlin.
In addition, I do a nutrition program daily.

Spill some deets about your upcoming projects and future plans?

I have some very exciting projects coming up for different clothing brands doing catalog shoots, billboard ads, and magazine editorials. My future plans are to keep working to achieve my dream to work with major brands for their catalogs and print ads.

What is the piece of advice you would give to our readers?

Follow your heart and your dreams. If you keep working hard and stay determined, your dreams will come true, but YOU have to make them happen. No one can do your work for you. If you want it badly enough, you will find a way to make it happen.

Matilda Dahlin.
Follow your heart and your dreams.
