Socialise With These Outdoor Games For Your Anxiety To Go Indoors

While You Take a Break in the Nature – We tell You Things That Can Give You Immense Pleasure and Adventure at the Same Time!

Who here likes to play games? Be it indoor or outdoor, games have been the single most physically intensive activities that human beings have been clinging to for all these years. While everyone is busy with their daily hectic lifestyle – games act as the medium to let some steam off. Well, it depends upon what kind of games are you into but utilization of one or more humanly resources is required here. Be it your brain, hand, eyes, or legs – the common factor that you might seek from all this utilization may remain the same; joy. This month being for nature, we will tell you ways which in turn show you how fun nature can be!



To start the game, each player will roll a dice and the player with the highest number can do the honours.

If you are obsessed with board games and especially some popular ones like Ludo and Snakes and Ladders – this will be your version of the board game but instead, it will be for your yard. Yarkle is the outdoor version of Farkle.

You can pick up a big dice for your lawn from your nearby store or you can also order them online. Two or more players are needed to start this game with some basic rules matching that with Farkle. We will take you through some of them -:

  • Dots represent numbers on the dice – 1 number pattern is equal to 100 points.
  • 5 number pattern is equal to 50 points.
  • If any number comes in a set of 3 – points will be multiplied by 100. For example – if you get three 4s, the total points will be 400.
  • The winner will be decided when any player scores more than 10,000 points.

You’ll need around 6 dics and someone to track your points. To start the game, each player will roll a dice and the player with the highest number can do the honours.


Corn Hole


You can easily play this outdoor activity, even with a glass of drink in your hands.

You must have come across someone playing this classic somewhere around you or you’ll be able to differentiate more clearly with the red and blue handy bean bags. Sounds familiar? If not, then you have to try this because it is made for your backyard.

Just like that, the corn hole becomes interesting with every second that passes by. You can easily play this outdoor activity, even with a glass of drink in your hands. Any cardboard with a hole and a stand to provide it with integral support will work. We still recommend you to order Corn hole sets as they make things so much easier.

Place the corn hole stand upfront at a distance of around 2.5 – 3.5 meters and make sure it faces you. Turn by turn, you will throw the small bean bags into the hole. If you succeed, you can give some tasks to the loser that they have to do. Gradually increase the distance and enjoy.


Four Square Volleyball


While volleyball stands still to its ground, this variation makes everything more fun.

Volleyball has always been an outdoor sport that many of us look up to when the sun lays its ray and when winds are blowing to their full potential. Well, there are many times when you can’t just play volleyball due to limited space or limited people. While volleyball stands still to its ground, this variation makes everything more fun.

Four-square volleyball is – as the name says, a four-squared net dividing between four players who seek the thrill of volleyball. Playing this game is as simple as it sounds but with some variations and some twists.

A place is divided into 4 squares or volley posts. As the traditional volleyball goes; each player has to defend their post. How do they do that? By making sure that the ball doesn’t drop in their court. As soon as the ball comes in their hand, they have to push it towards another player. The game will continue until someone drops the ball in their post or the ball is thrown out of court.


Scavenger Hunt


     You need a group of people – the bigger the group; the bigger the fun.

    Excitement is the most deadly and joyous feeling one can go through. Sometimes, it can be a buzz killer for you but trust us, when you are in a scavenger hunt – nothing is less exciting. The eternal feeling of not knowing what you are going to get next is something unmatched.

    So, playing this game is quite simple. You need a group of people – the bigger the group; the bigger the fun. You also need to select an area that can be your backyard or any other place that might be hard to guess.

    For the first step, you need to make some clues and hide them away from each other quite smartly. Now, these clues will need to be away from one another until you can get to the final goodie. It’s recommended that there be a surprise in the form of some product so the players are motivated till the end. For example – if you plan on drinking beer, plan a scavenger hunt and make everyone work for finding that pack of beer.




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